Why should the cat go to the house first?

All Moore, my dear! Many know about the tradition, according to which the cat should enter the house first. Why did it happen and where did this belief come from?

Few people know that the origin of this tradition is so older that it is difficult to even suggest when she originated and what caused her occurrence. This article will examine several versions of the appearance of this tradition, and which of them looks more believable - to solve you. According to parapsychologists, the cat is first included in the house, since we are distinguished by high sensitivity to subtle energies and can distinguish bad places from good, and geopathic zones from more friendly.

Therefore, you need to follow what kind of place the cat loves, and which tries to avoid. These places need to remember and try not to be there for a long time, and also do not put there beds, tables and chairs. But if the cat wipes some place and will strain there to lie down, then it is suitable for the bed.

Some express the suggestion that the Slavic-pagans told belief that the one who first enters the house, he would first leave him (that is, the first to go to the "Country of Happy Hunting"). Therefore, a cat should be first in the house. True, such a version sounds not very convincing, in the light of the fact that the cat in pagan antiquity was extremely rare animals, and besides very expensive. It is much easier in this case to let the chicken or another more familiar animal.

Another version states that the cat is first included in the house, because in the old days, the change of residence was considered a dangerous responsible thing and demanded the blessings of the gods for which the victim was needed. Initially, in such a role, the most elderly member of the family, who figuratively speaking, was and was already one foot in the grave, but then his place was replaced by a cat. Recommend, again, not too convincing version, because the old men have no data preserved any data.

In one funny joke, it is said that when Novoseli launched a cat in the house first, she closed the doors, changed the locks and for three years she lives and in his eyes the ax shows. They argue that the cat is very close to the world of spirits and thanks to this can agree with those of them who already lives in the house. And it is in this that the reason why the cat should be the first to the house. Thus, the cat performed the role of a kind of diplomat, which provided new relations with otherworldly inhabitants. Some argue that the housekin loves to ride the cat, and he acts as a keeper at home. Therefore, if the cat is first included in the house, it turns out that in the house ahead of its inhabitants will come together with houses and prosperity.

Yes, and the cat itself is considered a symbol of homemade focus, well-being and wealth. For the same reason, it was believed that if you drive a cat from the house - along with her the well-being of his inhabitants will go. Agree that this is a rather convincing explanation of why the cat should enter the first house. Cats firmly entered the folk folklore, and the People's Molva claims that there is no cat without a cat and no matter how there it was, but the faith in the fact that the cat is first in the house and to this day. Someone can say that this is nothing more than superstition, and someone will say that if there was no point in this tradition, she could not live so long and perhaps it would be right. In any case, regardless of the faith, this tradition cannot be not recognized very beautiful and cozy and even fabulous.