Overcome doubts ... what to do?

Good day, my friends!

Today we will talk about what very much slows down - about doubts. Where do doubts come from? What function do they perform? What they harm us, and what can help? And what, in the end, do with them? About this we are talking to you now.

What are doubts?

In fact, these are thoughts about the obstacles waiting for you on the way to your goal. Where do doubts arise in your head? From the subconscious. And, oddly enough, this is done With the very good goal. The fact is that any of your attempt to get out of (and every innovation in life is a way out of the comfort zone) is interpreted by your subconscious as an encroachment for security. And doubt is an attempt to "persuade" you to stay in the comfort zone. But as you understand, without moving forward and accessing the borders of the comfort zone can not be development, and therefore the movement towards the goal.

Every doubt is a brake for the incarnation of the desired in your reality. After all, doubting, you let the idea: "My desire can not come true because ..." That is, you broadcast in the universe thoughts, stopping the implementation of your desire. That is why those people who constantly doubt almost never get what they want.

See how this happens. You wanted something, for example, go to Paris. it The desire flashed in you, and even reinforced with bright emotions (you were tested in the first moments, when they only presented themselves in Paris, delight, joy, happiness), immediately began to embody (first on an intangible plan). That is, if you continue to keep this condition in yourself (thoughts about the desired + joy from the thought of the embodiment of the desired + confidence), then after some time, necessary for everything to be formed in the intangible world, will begin in your life There are phenomena, things, people and events to occur, which will eventually lead to what your desire will be - you will get to Paris.

Yes, ideally everything should happen. And our desires should be performed fairly quickly and easily. But in fact, this does not happen. Why? And because after the broadcast of your passionate desire, a person usually immediately sends: "... but it is impossible, because ..." or "... but it's so difficult, because…". And everything, the implementation of "thin plans" is suspended. So imagine what you do with your desires when you really want, but you are constantly overcome doubts! Desire is gas, doubts - brake. You click on them alternately, then at all at the same time. It is unlikely that it is possible to at least some kind of intelligible promotion forward!

And what if you are overcome doubts?

Easy to say: "Do not doubt!", And how to do it practically? And is it really possible to get rid of all doubts?

Get rid of all doubts hardly succeed, and you do not need it. Instead, let's Better will do as they do - consider doubts from the point of view of receiving something positive and we need from them.

So, what could be useful in doubt? But what - they are the prompts of our subconscious, indicating our weaknesses and obstacles that we have to face the way to our goal. That is how it is necessary to consider them. As a pointer: "Pay attention to it!". That is, not to align mentally (or even out loud!) Your doubts, allowing them to grow and recruit strength, and take note of the information contained in them, (do not forget about this strongest tool to achieve everything, which you just want !!!) And calmly let go - after all, they have already fulfilled their mission!

Let's look at the same example with a trip to Paris. You express a desire, and you immediately come to the mind - doubt: "But it's so expensive!". Yeah, immediately reorient yourself with "Akhs and Oh," on the perception of useful information - on what you need to work with - "For me, it is expensive" can be translated as "I am not worthy", that is not enough. Either this is a hint that you have already "grew up" from the level of income that you have now and you need new thoughts and installations to reach a new level.

Well, the algorithm of work with doubts is clear? Get information, let go. And that's all! The most important thing is that you do not doubt to capture your thoughts and consolidate in your mind. Because then they will fulfill their destructive function on the full program - to inhibit the embodiment of your desires.

And remember friends than you perceive life, the better it becomes! Do not even doubt this!

Your Catherine :))

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