As in 30 seconds to overcome shyness

Shyness and uncertainty are the problems with which it is rather difficult to fight. What is the nature of this phenomenon, is there any advantages and how to overcome their shysteriness? We will try to figure out.

The problem is shy

Open and bold people do not understand the state of shye people. Shy people are shy to approach an unfamiliar person and ask how much time. They can neglect their interests only because the timidity prevents to speak.

The shyness appears in childhood: a child can scare a large number of people, and it is difficult for him to get acquainted with peers. Some scientists believe that shyness can be a hereditary feature. Nevertheless, the suspension most often leads to the emergence of complexes and fears, as well as banal insecurity.

There are advantage in shyness

Ensimizing people need to know that they have certain advantages. Let's call some of them.

  1. Intensive self-development. It is hard to communicate with other people, but it's easy for him to be with himself. Shy people are constantly engaged in self-analysis, so they easily make out their drawbacks and try to work on them.
  2. Anonymity. Who would have thought that in the 21st century the usual person is almost impossible to do anything without the knowledge of society? But social networks, mobile phones and a bunch of applications that report our location practically do not allow you to retire. Ensimizing people are easier to get lost in the crowd: they are quiet, so they attract less attention.
  3. Ability to choose friends. Shopeful people know how to observe and make the right conclusions. That is why they are picky in their connections, both intimate and public. In addition, they know how to listen, so they are always good interlocutors.

How to overcome shysteriness?

With all the advantages, the shyness still makes constantly doubting in his decisions and simply interferes sometimes. No one can force you (yes it is not necessary) to be a soul of the company, constantly in the center of attention or get acquainted with everything in a row. However, in order to achieve mutual understanding with colleagues or family centers, you need to make a few bold steps on the path of farewell to timidity. Therefore, if you think that your shyness began to interfere, then you should add more confidence with your actions.

So, we will give 5 simple tips that will help you to overcome shyness.

  • Know your borders. Do not do or do not tell you what causes discomfort. You must understand what you are sure and what is easily given to you, and what is worth pre-prepared. If you can not talk for a long time with a too frank person or work in the team, do not do it. No need to torment.
  • Arrange priorities. Your values \u200b\u200bare a kind of "beacons", which you are oriented. Try to decide what is really important for you. If you do not do this, then your confidence can undermine any situation.
  • Train skills. Your self-confidence will appear with your competence. If you are driving, then you must be sure that you are well driven the car. If you are a teacher, then you need to know that you give enough knowledge to the disciples and do it well.
  • Take a closer to people. Do not compare them with you, but try to see everyone's personality. Imagine that every person has their fears and their complexes. They are also not sure about something. Then why should they be shy? They are the same people as you.
  • Positive. You treat everything with humor. Finally, they decided to ask the road from an unfamiliar man and stuck from the excitement and forgot what they wanted to say? Imagine your face at this point and dare over yourself.

Positive attitude towards its disadvantages eradicate your complexes. Work on yourself!