How to get rid of dependence

Hello, friends, my name is Andrei Omelchenko, and today we will talk about dependencies. I will offer you a technology that will allow you to get rid of any dependency if you have such. Share this material with those you need. He will be able to help your friends, close and relatives, if they have problems with addiction.

At first I will offer general methods that use people to successfully get rid of dependence. In addition, I will share the technology tested by me and my students on numerous therapeutic sessions. This step-by-step system for deliverance from dependence I apply in its activities and training the participants of the training program META NLP practitioners.

In the article, we consider the following aspects:

  1. When applying equipment for relief
  2. What to do if you want to get rid of dependence
  3. What is the harm of coding
  4. Dependence is the inheritance to your children.
  5. How to get rid of dependent behavior: phased instructions
  6. The real face of your shadow side
  7. How to resist the threats of the shadow side
  8. How Buddha got rid of panic attacks

And in order for the material to illustrate, I prepared. The description of the whole technology is on my YouTube channel (video is available at the end of the article).

1. When applying equipment for getting riding

In what cases this technique works:

  • with smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • there are several successful cases with narcotic dependence. But I would recommend contacting rehabilitation centers. Fortunately, there is the best system in Ukraine. She was the most productive in the United States and ranked first in the Russian Federation. If necessary, I will give the coordinates of such centers;
  • with addiction from sweet. To those people who wanted to be slender and beautiful - they also helped this system;
  • with computer and Internet addiction;
  • solves the issue of procastination, which I also consider the form of addiction. This is viewing the TV, constant postponus, rolling into some small things, instead of performing the necessary actions.

For a complete description of the technique, I will talk about smoking. But exactly the same also applies to any Another dependency.

2. What to do if you want to get rid of dependence

If you want to get rid of smoking, you can:

  1. Argue with your friend. Put something very valuable for yourself. You can say: "Everything, I quit smoking. I choose a healthy lifestyle, but if I buy at least one cigarette - I give you my dear camera, computer or car. Choose the most valuable thing that you have in principle. And very many people have worked.
  1. Move useful, but contrasting, excluding dependent behavior itself. For example, smoking is perfectly supplanted by sports. After all, it is impossible to play sports and smoke at the same time, because shortness of breath appears. So engage in running, attend the gym, study martial art. Do all you like, but regularly and intensively. Thus, you can easily force out dependent behavior. As for postponus - I recommend to read my article - it is also a form of dependent behavior. And everything applies to procrastination what I will continue to talk about.

So, you learned two main ways to get rid of dependence - dispute with a friend and displacement with something useful. Further, I will offer you a step-by-step technology that will help to figure out how the dependent behavior works inside your subconscious. And, having understood in this, you will understand what to concentrate and how can I change deeply.

3. What is the harm of coding

I intentionally missed such a method of getting rid of dependence as coding. I myself was engaged in coding for some time, and it was quite effective.

Coding is a trance impact on a person under hypnosis. But an extremely negative impact, during which the dependent behavior of a person binds to humiliation, painful sensations. And the same code, from the point of view of psychology, is a physical phobia or allergies for a person. That is, a person is formed by coding, a phobic reaction to alcohol and cigarettes.

But, like any phobia and allergies, it can be circumvented. And gradually phobias can dissolve. I and my students successfully eliminate people from phobias and allergies using neurolynguistic programming techniques and practical psychology. And this is what I teach on my courses and trainings. As a specialist, I understand perfectly that by building a phobic reaction to alcohol or smoking - it is also easy to remove it.

But this is another aspect. The negative allergic reaction itself is a psychotrauma sitting in the subconscious, which also affects the quality of life. Therefore, I do not recommend coding. I am for a conscious approach. For the awareness of their internal processes and for their transformation.

A person who can consciously get rid of addiction significantly improves the quality of life. And not only directly the fact that he ceases to feed himself smoke and dissolve nervous cells in alcohol, gradually washing the brain (we all know how alcohol acts). In addition to direct physical benefits, a person also receives mental benefits.

If you manage to affect the deep negative processes in the subconscious (which is dependent), then you will grow very much in the purity of your subconscious. Thus, you will improve the quality of your life and its duration.

4. Dependence is the inheritance to your children.

If you have children or you are planning children, you must understand that the dependent program in the subconscious is also transmitted. Accordingly, the quality of your thinking you betray your child, not to mention the fact that you are directly sitting the child (at the unconscious level) on cigarettes or alcohol.

Often, many smokers tell me: "But I smoke when the child does not see it. I'm leaving for the corner of the house or walk somewhere, and then be shattered. And there is no smell. I hug a child and everything is fine. " But there is one but. The smell of not smoking man is much better. The child by smell picks up the finest flavor of tobacco. The kid may not even know that his father or mom just smoked. But this thin smell is unconsciously associated with the child with maternal love and fatherly concern.

And when this child grows up and becomes a mature man, to save it from dependent behavior will be more complicated. Because he has a need for love binds to a cigarette. And save him from the cigarette - it will mean to deprive the love of his parents.

Therefore, imagine that you are your dependence slightly worsen the quality of your child's life. I'm not talking about your own life - usually we think about yourself and care. You worsen the quality of your child's life with every cigarette and every wineglass is a fact.

Imagine - your child will want to achieve heights in sports or business, or in creativity. To achieve a certain success, you need to think a little more quickly and be slightly better than others. Then the athlete receives the first place or writer - gets recognition. Because he is a little bit better. On this, "a little bit" at the athlete goes the clock, days, years of training, to train this M-A-Allen Delta, allowing him to be in the first place. This delta will separate his first place from the second.

So, just one cigarette is biting a small delta from skills and skills not only you, but also your child - a little bit.

And now imagine that you are one cigarette literally do so that your child has a little worse than the heart beats, the blood system is slightly worse, light. It does not care that each repurchased cigarette pull off his own child's finger. And people do so every cigarette do not realize it. So they harm not only to themselves, but also their own children.

And I want you to know this and understood.

5. How to get rid of dependent behavior: phased instructions

I will offer you to go through certain stages.

  1. His shadow. The shadow side is something in our subconscious, which behaves oppuably from the desired one. You deliberately want to live a healthy life, and the shadow side, manifesting you, leads you to the truth path. To deal with it, it needs to be highlighted as part of himself, then ask her that this dependent behavior is useful and write all the answers. For example, if it is smoking, then maybe your shadow side will tell you that smoking allows you to relax after work or exhale, lead yourself to a comfortable condition if you are excited. Or there is a addiction to getting pleasure from the smell, the process itself and everything connected with it. Usually they say people in trainings about their dependent behavior. Or you can get Something is even exceptionally yours.

list of dependent behavior and positive intention of each habit (example)

  1. Decide how you can satisfy each item otherwise.. If you do not find an adequate method of satisfaction, dependent behavior will resume. What can you do for this? For example, if № 1 is: "I smoke to distract from work." Find another way for you for you, by analogy with smoking, bring the role of a certain ritual. Often for a smokers - this is a ritual, rest, break. Find a new break ritual. It may be a call to a friend, a jog around the house, a walk through the park or something else - come up with. Create a new ritual, which will replace dependent behavior for you.

possible contrasting classes for replacement of dependence (example)

  1. Calm down if you are excited. To calm down listen to the quality trance. On my channel there are a large number of trance tracks. You can turn them on before bedtime or throughout the day to sit down, relax and be alone. These trance tracks have already helped to solve psychosomatic or psychological issues. Listening to the trance for a week or two, gradually relaxes your nervous system, will configure you, make you more holistic, healthy. Many began to sleep better, it is better to feel. There were cases when psychosomatic manifestations were leaving - psychological cough or panic attacks. Including, some disappeared phobic reactions simply after they listened to these trance tracks and simply relax. I recommend to go through directly on the video with trance. A lattice tincture (for a man) or Valerian (for a woman) can still help. You can just just take a deep breath and simply relax.
  1. As soon as you complete all these items and find an adequate way to resolve them, then get rid of the bad habit will be very easy and simple. I recommend to make you another pause. And now every item find an adequate solution as you can now replace all your dependent behaviors.. And when you all consciously remember and write down, keep reading again.
  1. Examine how you have a transition from your conscious part to the shadow. Often, dependent person, the transition occurs suddenly. And you suddenly go, do something completely different. "Why suddenly I find yourself with a cigarette or a glass?", "I wanted a slim figure, but I went to the refrigerator at night and hit the borscht with a cutlet." I know that it is familiar to many. It all happens because of the sudden transition. It looks like a plot of drama or comedy about a crazy house, when the patient instantly switches part of his psyche - he was Napoleon, he was already Stirlitz. It also happens at a normal person. The difference is that these switching is a healthy person aware. And when you change your mood, you are aware of this, and this is exactly what the clinic patients are distinguished. But for some reason you are aware of this in all areas, except for addiction. And here, alas, the dependent person is very similar in his behavior on the patient's clinic for mentally ill. And so so that not to be such and returns yourself to the awareness, learn how to own themselves I recommend to explore the transition itself so that it is not sudden.

6. The real face of your shadow side

The sixth point of our phased management will be practical exercise.

Close your eyes, arrange more comfortable, and imagine that you managed to live the life you want. That you deliberately chose new rules of behavior and follow them. You got rid of dependent behavior and now you lead a healthy lifestyle. And extend this time. Imagine that you live so day or two. Find a certain border when you have a psychological breaking, when suddenly the shadow side can influence you.

Your path is now virtual and, of course, you can virtually imagine anything. But try your virtual idea to be made as real as possible - it will help you really explore what happens to you at the moment when the shadow side begins to activate. Your goal is to find those launchers that activate dependent behavior. These are pictures, sensations, phrases are all that can affect you.

For example, you begin to see a huge cigarette or a certain image of yourself with this cigarette, or you feel something in yourself. You can feel the taste, something in the body or some phrases that you start scrolling in your inner dialog. And these phrases are then becoming a team to be started to do what the shadow side says. These are the trigger moments that then you should further pay attention and concentrate on them. Then extend this time and imagine that there is still a couple of days.

If you honestly go through this exercise, you will be able to find how your shadow side offers something pleasant: "Smoke and you will be fine." Perhaps the shadow side offers some relief: "Look, what kind of gray weekdays. As far as you are happier, how cool you will feel cool if you use it. "

But if you refuse to do this, you will see the real face of your shadow side. After your refusal, she will influence you no longer positive. Then the dialogue will be approximately as follows: "If you do not smoke now, then you will break the body. You will be evil, you will break up on people "or" If you don't drink now, you will be shaking hands. " The girl shadowing can say: "If you don't sing now, you will have depression. Without sweet, you will fall into a terrible state. "

The shadow side will begin to scare you and negatively manipulate you. If you honestly did an exercise, you will actually find that it is enjoyable that you are offered, it is worth a very strong internal unconscious negative. And then you will understand what monster, alas, you live in the subconscious.

And now I come back to the initial idea - if you you can cope with this monster and pass through this dependent condition, then you will get a huge bonus! You arrange your subconscious and learn to own yourself.

If you find that your shadow side acts on the principle of Diller's drag, which first offers something pleasant, and then begins to threaten - then you will understand that you have grown Frankenstein (this is a metaphor that a person does with his subconscious). This is not a mythical one monster who created a scientist. It is real what a man does with himself.

7. How to resist the threats of the shadow side

I hope you already have a list of launchers of dependent behavior. Now, concentrating on them, you can live them. For this, I suggest sitting with closed eyes and focus on these trigger moments, on the effect of the shadow side. Allow these pictures to pop up. Let your subconscious take you huge cigarettes - make them even more, let them be the size of the universe.

Your subconscious mind will cause certain sensations and starts to scare you, for example: "If you can not go about and refusing this delicious pleasant smell, then you will turn the body, and you will be evil."

What will happen to me when I refuse? What will happen to my body?

Let all the threats of the subconscious mind occur. What my subconscious can do with me? Will be twist? Let him twist. What can happen if the subconsciousness says: "You will die now"?

I will reveal you a little secret. In virtual reality, death means rebirth. If your subconsciousness scares you with death - sit, calmly choose a pleasant pose and live your own death.

As you are alive and healthy, so that you do not seem and have not seen, you will find that your life continues after death. We live all the fears and your virtual death that the shadow side draws you. Get rid of it and you will see how much freedom you wake up. Your awareness will fill in this space shadow, and you will begin to own yourself.

So, I recommend you twice a day to do the following. Select a pleasant pose and ten minutes just sit without movement (place alarm clock). If you stimulated the trigger zones, then concert your attention to them. Let them increase, strengthen, let them scare you with physical sensations, manifestations, images. Live it. Take it through and so twice a day, ten minutes, for at least 21 days.

8. As a Buddha got rid of panic attacks

I want to illustrate the effectiveness of the exercise. In Buddhism, this process is called Vipassan. Vipassana is a technique that the Buddha did to achieve enlightenment. We will not affect the issues of religion. We are interested in the process itself. The books describe that the Buddha, being under a tree in meditation, saw all the army of the world lined up against him. From the point of view of psychology, the Buddha lived his own panic attacks on the deep unconscious level.

He took them from there and lived through them, and they dissolved. In fact, if you believe this process, Vipassana is delivered from phobias, dependent behavior, and all the garbage that can be in the subconscious. You can do it outside of religion, and simply as a psychological practice for cleansing consciousness.

Before this, go through all the stages of my leadership and your subconscious will issue everything related directly to your dependent behavior. Then, sitting 10 minutes, you will clean your subconscious directly from all launchers of dependent behavior. Accordingly, you will acquire your stability, awareness, win for myself for several years of life, and improve the quality of life itself.

9. Total

Let me remind you the entire liberation algorithm from addiction:

  1. Highlight the positive intention of your dependent state. For example, overeating sweet carries salvation from depression;
  2. Decide how you can satisfy a positive intention otherwise. Come up with your ritual, any positive action on replacement dependent behavior. Want to smoke? Spit 20 times or run around the stadium;
  3. Put the nerves in order - most often we resort to dependent behavior during stress or other traumatic, emotional events. For calm, use;
  4. Examine how you have a transition from your conscious part to the shadow. Switching occurs completely unexpected and it is important for you to realize at what moments. Make a list of mechanisms that run dependent behavior;
  5. To fix the impact of the shadow side - virtually accommodate your perfect day without dependency. Imagine this day as detailed as possible;
  6. During the exercise on the virtual ideal day, your shadow side will offer you to resort to dependence. If you refuse, it will begin to threaten. Sit motionless and live all the threats of the shadow side.
  7. Make it so twice a day to ten minutes, for at least 21 days. This will make it possible to free themselves from under the neot of the shadow side.