How to quickly thin the blood at home

How to quickly thin the blood at home

To prevent the occurrence of stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack, it is necessary to systematically use blood thinners.

The most effective blood thinners include:

1. Correction of the diet - it is necessary to include products in the menu,
2. Having a liquefying effect;
3. Taking medications;
4. Blood thinning folk remedies;
5. Procedures with medical leeches - hirudotherapy.

Blood is the main living environment, the state of which determines the health and level of functioning of absolutely all systems and organs.

This living environment is 90% water, the remaining 10% are formed elements. If there is insufficient intake of fluid into the blood or its digestibility is impaired, then an increase in the level of viscosity occurs - a deterioration in human health is ensured.

Medicine knows the reasons for the increase in blood viscosity, and the first signs of this dangerous condition, and methods for thinning the blood. But everyone should have such information, because the timely adoption of measures will help to exclude severe, complex pathologies that lead to death.

Viscous and thick blood contributes to high blood pressure, impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver. Due to thick blood, cholesterol begins to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

There are several reasons for the increase in the density and viscosity of the blood:

the use of low-quality water;
oxygen starvation of blood cells;
dehydration of the body as a result of physical activity or exposure to high temperatures;
eating a sick amount of carbohydrates;
lack of enough salts and minerals in the body;
bad ecological situation.

First of all, blood clotting is associated with insufficient water intake or its incomplete digestibility. If in the first case it is enough to adhere only to the generally accepted norms of daily water intake (30 g per 1 kg of body weight) for a healthy person, then poor digestibility is most often associated with the wrong choice of water itself. Many people prefer to drink carbonated drinks, tap water (and it is always chlorinated in the plumbing) - this leads to the consumption of an increased amount of energy by the body.

But in addition to errors in the use of water, the causes of blood clots are:

1. increased "performance" of the spleen - with a high production of enzymes, there is a destructive effect on organs and systems;

2. acidification and an excess of toxins in the body;

3. dehydration of the body - this can occur after prolonged exposure to the sun, with prolonged diarrhea, in case of excessive physical exertion;

4. the use of large amounts of sugar and products, which include simple carbohydrates;

5. a small amount of vitamins and minerals consumed - their lack automatically leads to disruption of the organs;

6. regular violation of the diet;

7. radiation effect on the body - it can be both short-term and regular;

8. food is not enriched with salts.

In addition, the region of residence of a person and his place of work affect the level of blood viscosity - it is known for certain that unfavorable ecology and harmful production directly affect the state of the main environment of the body.

To reduce blood clotting, you need to use dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

The first step to thin the blood is to reduce the consumption of foods that increase blood clotting. It is necessary to limit the use of legumes, buckwheat, almost all types of cabbage, tomatoes, parsley, dill, radishes, bananas.

To thin the blood, products containing citric and salicylic acid salts are needed.

RAB OAT contribute not only to blood thinning, but also to the resorption of existing blood clots and sclerotic plaques. You need to eat fish at least 3-4 times a week. Preference should be given to fatty varieties.

Food should be cooked in cold-pressed vegetable oil, eat two cloves of garlic daily.

Take 250 g of peeled garlic, add 300 g of honey. Infuse for 3 weeks and take 1 tbsp 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Black tea should be replaced with green tea, and coffee should be replaced with cocoa.

For blood thinning, the use of herbal tea made from raspberry and cherry leaves is well suited. It is necessary to crush and mix the leaves, brew like regular tea and consume in small portions throughout the day.

For blood thinners i.e. coagulation reductions are seafood, cherries, sweet cherries, drinking a small amount of dry red wine.

Blood-thinning herbs include sweet clover, aloe juice. It is also useful to eat melons, almonds and walnuts in combination with other herbs.

To reduce blood clotting, an infusion of branches or white willow bark is used. A spoonful of crushed raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused and consumed in a sip throughout the day.

Many people use aspirin to thin the blood, but few people know that in addition to benefits, it also brings harm. Attached to the walls of the stomach, particles of aspirin eat into the wall of the stomach and form ulcers.
Therefore, phytotherapists and traditional medicine use as
source of aspirin decoctions of raspberry and black currant leaves.

To thin the blood, a tincture of Maryina root (peony evasive) has a good effect. Dilute a teaspoon in a glass of boiled water and drink between meals.

There are several non-traditional methods of blood thinning. At first glance, they all consist in the use of familiar products / plants that cannot be harmful to health. But doctors do not recommend starting a course of therapy without first consulting with specialists. What suits one person optimally, for another can be a real poison!


Freshly prepared juices from natural fruits and vegetables, without preservatives and flavor substitutes, are recommended to be consumed every day. They contribute to blood thinning due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

This ultimately leads to the normalization of water digestibility and the composition of the important living environment of the body. Yes, and water, which is contained in sufficient quantities even in the most concentrated juice, enters the body as part of the daily dose.

Strawberry, cranberry, pomegranate, orange, lemon, carrot, apple, grape and other types of juices are recognized as the most useful in terms of blood thinning. You can use them in a "pure" form, you can prepare cocktails (for example, apple-carrot). You need to drink one glass (250 ml) of fresh juice daily - this is the minimum required, which can be increased if desired.

Remember: many juices should not be consumed by people with diseases of the liver and kidneys, the cardiovascular system and the digestive system. Therefore, a doctor's consultation is required. It is strictly forbidden to take grapefruit juice as a thinning agent if any medications are taken in parallel - this can lead to poisoning of the body.


Traditional healers recommend taking a solution of soda every morning on an empty stomach. The remedy is prepared as follows: 1/5 teaspoon of baking soda is mixed with a glass of warm water. Seems like such an easy way! But be extremely careful - soda has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, which can provoke the development of peptic ulcer.


It is believed that taking this product correctly, without rushing to extremes, harming the body is quite problematic. Therefore, apple cider vinegar for blood thinning can be described as a safe method of solving the problem.

The mechanism of action of apple cider vinegar is simple: a weakly acidic reaction occurs, which leads to the elimination of toxic acidic compounds. They are replaced by apple cider vinegar, which eliminates metabolic acidosis in the blood. Of course, such an action will be provided only in the case of regular use of the presented product according to a certain scheme.

The most important rule is that apple cider vinegar should be taken only in the morning, since it is during this period of the day that the body fully discards acidic toxic products. Drinking apple cider vinegar in its pure form, of course, is prohibited - you need to prepare a solution from a glass (250 ml) of warm water and 2 tablespoons of the presented product. The duration of taking this apple cider vinegar solution is 2-3 months. In general, healers claim that you can take this medicine for a year, but you only have to take 10-day breaks every 2 months.

Note: blood thinning with apple cider vinegar is strictly contraindicated for people diagnosed with duodenitis and peptic ulcer of the stomach / duodenum.


An excellent product that not only thins the blood, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, the condition of the walls of blood vessels and the functioning of the heart.

The presented product can regulate lipid metabolism - the blood is saturated with lipids, which automatically maintains it in a liquid state and prevents the formation of blood clots even with existing atherosclerotic plaques.

The correct way to take flaxseed oil is as follows: a tablespoon of the product in the morning on an empty stomach. If this procedure is not possible for some reason, then you can drink the same amount of linseed oil immediately after the morning meal. Only daily intake is mandatory - in this case, the effect will be optimal.

The duration of taking linseed oil for blood thinning may be different - at the discretion of the patient, but you need to take 5-7-day breaks after each month of use.

Note: the presented product is strictly forbidden to be used by people with diagnosed cholelithiasis and with a tendency to diarrhea.


It should immediately be noted that the decision to introduce any product into the diet can be made independently. It is important not to go to extremes and not replace them with full-fledged food - food should be varied.


If acetylsalicylic acid directly affects the level of blood viscosity, then the second component simply reduces the activity of the main active substance on the gastric mucosa. At the same time, they perfectly coexist in one preparation and do not reduce the effectiveness of each other.
(Cardiomagnyl must be prescribed by a doctor)

To prevent the formation of blood clots, you need to move more in the fresh air, take daily walks.

Important: Even if you decide to take some measures to thin the blood and do it for prevention (and this is only appropriate at the age of over 50), consult your doctor. Remember that going to extremes is fraught with serious consequences - too thin blood contributes to regular bleeding, and even a small wound can lead to profuse blood loss.