What to do if the baby spit up. Regurgitation in newborns: causes and methods of prevention

Both of my daughters had this problem until about 3 months old.
Both Alice and Faya could spit up both immediately after feeding, and after a while - with already digested milk.
Looking ahead, I will say that these were physiological regurgitations due to the immaturity of the digestive system of the newborn.

Physiological regurgitation

Causes of physiological regurgitation:

  • The cardiac sphincter is underdeveloped, which serves as a separator between the esophagus and the stomach and, by contracting, does not give the incoming food a reverse motion.
  • Swallowing air while eating.
    Almost all babies face this phenomenon when air bubbles enter the gastrointestinal tract during feeding. They put pressure on the walls of the stomach and intestines, causing the baby to spit up.
  • Binge eating.
    Feeding “on demand” can lead to this result. When feeding, the baby may well get carried away and eat too much. I just fed both daughters on demand and for the first months they could eat for a very long time, even when they fell asleep. It is possible that they ate more than they needed and vomited as a result.
    Also, when regurgitation, it is recommended to be careful with feeding the child with water, especially for children on breastfeeding.
  • Activity of the child after feeding.
    It happens that the child after feeding begins to be active (roll over, stretch, move arms and legs). This condition prevents the digestive system from performing its functions properly.

With Alice, I was very worried that she often burped. After all, she burped after each feeding and not even once.
Our pediatrician and neurologist at prof. The reception was always asked if the child was spitting up. It turns out that regurgitation can be pathological.

Pathological regurgitation

Pathological regurgitation are a very disturbing symptom. It can speak not only of violations of the function of the digestive organs, but also of serious malfunctions in the functioning of the nervous system.
A distinctive feature of unhealthy regurgitation is their frequency and large volume. They can be so intense that food comes out of the baby's mouth like a fountain.
Also, the presence of such symptoms should cause anxiety - poor appetite, capricious behavior, insufficient weight gain.

If the child spit up often and a lot, behaves restlessly, be sure to tell your pediatrician about this, who will schedule tests and examinations.
Of course, our pediatrician knew that Alice often spit up and at the reception she always clarified exactly how she spit up, isn’t it a fountain? She also asked how Alice eats, sleeps, is naughty or not.

It should be noted that in the first months Alice's weight gain was small, but within the normal range. Alice's character was calm, she ate and slept well. All planned ultrasounds did not reveal any violations in her.
According to the symptoms, our regurgitations were more like physiological ones, which they turned out to be. Because over time, their frequency and volume began to decrease - at 3 months Alice was spitting up many times less. By 6 months of spitting up, almost, completely.

Faya also had this problem - the same frequent spitting up. But, apart from regurgitation, there were no more alarming symptoms. Therefore, I no longer worried - at 3-4 months Faya spit up much less and by six months we had already forgotten about this problem.
But, admittedly, regurgitation, even if they are physiological, cause a lot of inconvenience.

What to do if the child spit up often

Here's what you can and even need to do if the baby often spits up:

  • Lay the baby on the tummy immediately before feeding, at least for 5 minutes. In this position, his digestive system will quickly come to an active state.
  • During feeding, try to keep the baby at a slight angle, while you can sit him down a little.
  • Refuse to feed lying down if you practice it.
    Yes, it is very convenient - at this time you can even sleep on your own, especially if the child eats for a long time. But, in my case, all attempts to feed lying down ended in profuse regurgitation, if not immediately after feeding, then after some time. I could afford to feed my daughters lying down only after 3 months.
  • After feeding, be sure to hold the baby in a “column” so that he burps the air.
  • Make sure your baby is as relaxed as possible after feeding.
    Try not to carry out any manipulations with the child immediately after feeding, whether it is changing a diaper, changing clothes, bathing, playing and, God forbid, massage or gymnastics.
    After feeding, I always tried to keep my daughters in my arms in an upright position for a longer time. Otherwise, if you immediately put them in a crib or on a changing table, they could become active and, as a result, spit up some of the milk they just ate.
  • Sleep regurgitation can be very dangerous because the child may choke.
    To avoid this, make a slight tilt in the crib - put a towel roll under the mattress.
    Or, you can use a special reclining pillow for newborns. We had just such a pillow and it was very useful to us in the first months:

It is better to lay the child on the side or on the back, but at the same time, his head must be turned to one side. In this position, even if the baby burps, he will not choke.
It is not recommended to use ordinary soft pillows during sleep or lay the child on the tummy.

  • If possible, walk more, give your child a massage, bathe him daily - all this has a positive effect on the digestive tract.

Remember that the amount of physiological spitting up should decrease every month and they usually stop when the child begins to sit steadily.

A newborn baby has to go through a difficult path of adaptation to new environmental conditions. A child is born with imperfect body systems. As they develop and develop, various phenomena may occur that alarm parents, but not every symptom indicates any pathology. Many conditions go away as the body matures.

Parents often worry that their baby is spitting up. Most babies are more or less prone to this phenomenon, but spitting up is of a different nature. They can be purely physiological or indicate various kinds of pathology.

Physiological causes

Why even a healthy baby can spit up? All due to the immaturity of the digestive tract. In newborns, there is practically no special valve that closes the entrance to the stomach - instead of it there is only a fold of mucous tissue. Part of the digestive system (esophagus-stomach) of an infant resembles an open bottle. Food can easily both enter the stomach and splash back.

The sphincter that closes the exit from the esophagus to the stomach should be fully formed in the child by the end of the first year of life.

When the situation develops within the normal range

In other cases, we are talking about pathological regurgitation.

anxiety symptoms

You should definitely consult a doctor if regurgitation proceeds as follows:

  • frequency of manifestation after 4 months - more than three times a day;
  • food masses come out in large quantities and in volume can exceed half of what is eaten;
  • in the secretions there are impurities of bile, mucus and blood;
  • observed even after a small amount eaten;
  • accompanied by anxiety and crying of the child;
  • occurs against the background of symptoms such as fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, impaired stool, weight loss, etc.

Regurgitation that occurs an hour or more after the completion of feeding is also pathological.

Late regurgitation

If regurgitation that occurs shortly after a meal does not indicate a pathology, then late regurgitation (after an hour or more) is of concern.

However, if the child has no other symptoms, this phenomenon may be a variant of the norm and be explained by physiological reasons.

Milk or formula in the baby's stomach is digested 2.5-3 hours before the next feeding. At this time, with active movement and turning the child on the tummy, the contents of the stomach can splash out in the form of fresh milk.

If more time has passed after eating, then it comes out in the form of partially / fully curdled milk or is vomited with water.

The walls of the stomach of the baby are very elastic, easily stretched and contracted with any sudden movement, turn and change of position. Therefore, until the age of 4 months - by the time the digestive system is working properly - regurgitation can occur after each feeding, even if a lot of time has passed after eating.

Delayed regurgitation (an hour or more after a meal) is sometimes explained by the "lazy" stomach syndrome in infants. The rejected content is a curd mass without a change in color and an unpleasant odor. Sometimes there is regurgitation of water.

The thing is that in babies up to 3-4 months there is a global restructuring of the digestive system.

During this period, the intestines are populated with beneficial microflora and set up for regular work.

Until this age, food can be digested more slowly, move from one department to another longer and linger in the stomach. Late regurgitation may be accompanied by irregular stools and intestinal colic. If the baby is not worried about anything else, you should not worry. In some cases, the pediatrician will advise therapy that normalizes digestion.

As a rule, such a phenomenon passes after a while on its own and completely stops when the child reaches the age of 3-4 months.

Not to be confused with vomiting

When a baby eats exclusively liquid food, it is easy to confuse regurgitation with vomiting and vice versa. Therefore, it is important for parents to know the distinguishing features of both in order to objectively assess the situation.

If the child feels and behaves as usual and his condition does not change (no temperature, stool changes, abdominal muscles do not tense, food masses come out in the form of fresh milk, cottage cheese or water), then we are talking about regurgitation. At the same time, they are observed no later than an hour after a meal in children older than 4 months and may appear for another 2-2.5 hours in children under 4 months.

Vomiting is a complex response of the body, in which several systems are involved.

Before vomiting, the child's pulse and breathing quicken, nausea is manifested by whims and anxiety, refusal to eat.

Food masses are pushed out by the fountain, have a yellowish or other hue. They can erupt in water mixed with bile, mucus and blood. At the same time, the abdominal muscles of the child noticeably tighten. Vomiting can occur at any time after feeding.

Inexperienced parents may mistake vomiting that occurs in infants after feeding for regurgitation. However, it must be able to distinguish, since vomiting often indicates pathological processes. Recurrent vomiting may be caused by infections, neurological or organic problems.

Causes of pathological late regurgitation

In addition to physiological explanations, late regurgitation may have pathological causes - such as pylorospasm and pyloric stenosis.


With this disease, a spasm of the lower part of the stomach occurs, which impairs its emptying into the duodenum. Food masses linger in the stomach.

Factors affecting the occurrence of pylorospasm:

The spasm is not permanent, so the symptoms appear with varying intensity. The baby begins to spit up from birth. According to the intensity of regurgitation, they can increase, decrease, occur both during meals and after an hour or more from the time of eating. The erupted masses have a normal color without an unpleasant odor, and do not exceed the amount eaten in quantity.

If regurgitation occurs two hours or more after a meal, oxidized food may be regurgitated in water.

Since the spasm itself causes discomfort to the baby, the child begins to worry. A small amount of digestible food leads to gradual weight loss. If parents notice these symptoms, they need to show the child to the doctor. Diagnosis is based on physical examination and confirmed by ultrasound.

Diet therapy and physiotherapy are used as treatment. In some cases, special drugs are prescribed. As a rule, with effective treatment, the condition improves after 4 weeks, and by 6 months the child completely gets rid of this problem.

Pyloric stenosis is a congenital narrowing of the lumen of the lower part of the stomach (pylorus).

In newborns, symptoms begin to appear after 2-4 weeks in the form of profuse vomiting, which occurs regardless of the meal (during, immediately after completion, after an hour or more).

Food masses have a stagnant sour smell and may exceed the amount eaten in volume.

Usually the baby does not show concern, however, frequent and profuse vomiting should alert the parents and encourage them to take the child to the doctor.

Pyloric stenosis is a dangerous disease that requires immediate surgical treatment. Without treatment, the child will not be able to get enough nutrition, which is fraught with the death of the baby.

Any condition of the baby that causes concern to parents should not be ignored. Whatever the reasons may turn out to be - purely physiological or pathological - it would be useful to conduct an examination to dispel all doubts.

Regurgitation in newborns and infants is a normal and even necessary physiological phenomenon. Meanwhile, the reasons why a child spit up are different. Some of them are worth it to seek help from a pediatrician. Let's talk about them!

In most cases, regurgitation in newborns and infants occurs for completely safe, natural reasons. You cannot completely "cure" babies from spitting up. However, in your power, if desired, somewhat reduce the intensity and frequency of "spitting".

Regurgitation in newborns and infants: the main causes

To understand why a child is spitting up, and to distinguish a physiological norm from a potentially dangerous situation, it is necessary to delve into some details of the process as such. In itself, regurgitation in infants is the involuntary throwing of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and above, into the baby's mouth. And, accordingly, spitting food out. The child spits up “slowly” or literally gushes - it depends on the force with which the walls of the stomach push food out.

About 80% of all children of the first six months of life “sick” every day. But how much, how often and when exactly each of them spit up depends on so many factors individually: on the degree of full-term birth, on birth weight, on the dynamics of weight gain, and also on how strong the mother’s desire to “feed always, feed everywhere. From the moment of birth, mom, dad and other relatives should understand that the principle of "as much as you like - as much as it is useful" harms the health and comfort of the child rather than contributes to his growth and well-being.

There may be several reasons why a child spit up after feeding the milk or mixture eaten:

  • The baby eats more than he can digest and "keep" in the stomach. Many pediatricians believe that overfeeding and the “on demand” style of breastfeeding is the main reason for frequent spitting up, as well as the reason that the child spit up a fountain.
  • Cardiac part of the baby's stomach(that is, that part of the stomach that is located directly behind the esophagus) in the first six months of the baby's life not perfect yet. Namely, in children after six months and in adults, the border between the esophagus and the cardial part of the stomach is a special cardiac sphincter, which, by contracting, does not allow food to be thrown back into the esophagus. So in the first months of a baby's life, this sphincter is not yet developed.
  • Dissonance between pharynx and intestinal peristalsis. In the process of eating, a newborn, as a rule, sucks milk or a mixture in series of 3-5 times. And between these series, the baby makes pauses, during which he swallows what he managed to suck. Breast milk and formula are simple, liquid foods that reach the baby's intestines very quickly. As soon as “food” enters the intestines, peristaltic waves arise, during which the bottom of the stomach is strongly strained and the pressure in it rises slightly. This pressure creates an impetus for the food in the stomach to “hurry” out.
  • excessive gas and are also the cause of spitting up. Air bubbles press against the walls of the stomach and intestines, thereby causing pressure, which provokes spitting out food.
  • "All troubles are from nerves." With a high activity of the nervous system in newborns and infants, a phenomenon such as stretching of the walls of the stomach is often observed, in which regurgitation is the most common symptom. However, this reason is too rare and “medical” for parents to go into it and try to “see” it on their own.

It is not so much important why the child burps, but how he puts on weight.

Mom, dad and other household members of a newborn baby should be primarily concerned not with why and how the child burps (this problem is always secondary!), but above all with the dynamics of the baby's weight.

If the baby is steadily gaining weight, then no matter how much and how often the child spit up food debris, this is considered a safe and physiological norm - his gastrointestinal system is being formed, and regurgitation in this case is not considered a negative symptom. If the baby does not gain the prescribed weight, and even more so - loses it, only in this case it is worth sounding the alarm and rushing to the doctor for advice, informing him in detail - how often, how much and when exactly the child spits up.

If the weight of the child is normal, and also if he is cheerful, smiling, sleeps well, and so on, then the very phenomenon of regurgitation is not a problem of the baby’s health, it is the problem of the mother, who, seeing that the child is spitting out food, is completely beyond then there is no reason to worry too much.

Again, worrying and panicking about the fact that the baby is spitting up, and also trying to find out why exactly the baby is spitting up, does not make any sense if the baby is gaining weight well. And only if the "newborn" kilograms suddenly began to melt - that's when the phenomenon of regurgitation becomes significant. First of all - for the doctor to whom you are obliged to show the “losing weight” baby.

Why does a child spit up and lose weight at the same time?

When a baby spits up food during the day (a lot, a little, often or rarely - this is not so important) and at the same time not only does not gain weight, but also loses it - spitting up is no longer considered a physiological norm, but as an alarming symptom. Symptom of what?

This question will be answered by the doctor to whom you bring the baby. The most common and common causes of the "regular regurgitation plus weight loss" phenomenon are as follows:

  • Abnormal development of the digestive organs. The gastrointestinal tract system is quite complex in its organization, and not every baby at birth has organs involved in the process of digesting food of the proper size, shape and are clearly located in their places. Often something is too small, often something is twisted or clamped - there can be a lot of options for anomalies. To find out the one and only, that very “marriage” in the gastrointestinal tract, which prevents you from eating well and gaining weight for your baby, the doctor will establish.
  • lactose intolerance. In a nutshell, it is the following: the breast milk of any mammal (including humans) contains a protein - lactose, which is broken down in the stomach by special enzymes - lactase. When this enzyme is not produced in sufficient quantities, or not at all, milk intolerance occurs. And, of course, if it is impossible to digest it, the baby will burp it often and in large quantities. And as a result, lose weight. In this case, the doctor will help you choose a special lactose-free mixture.
  • Infection. In any infectious disease, the gastrointestinal tract is the first to respond to infection. In this case, the color of regurgitated food in an infant will have a yellow, and more often a greenish tint. Due to the fact that milk eructation is mixed with bile. If you notice that your baby is spitting up "green milk" - rush to the doctor with a bullet.

Is it possible to "stop" or reduce regurgitation in a newborn?

Even if we take into account that regurgitation in newborns and babies who are normally gaining weight in their weight category is a physiological norm (that is, it is not dangerous and will go away on its own), not every mother will like that all her dresses began to smell like baby burps.

The question "How to stop or at least reduce regurgitation in a newborn?" very often heard in the office of pediatricians. And the first answer to it from the side of physicians is to simply wait.

Children stop spitting up leftover food around the time they begin to sit confidently - that is, about 6-7 months old.

And what can those parents who can not wait to do? Let's make a reservation right away - today there are no safe drugs, means or devices that reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation in children. The maximum that you can ask for in a pharmacy from pharmacists is a remedy for excessive gas formation. Namely: simethicone products, or fennel fruit preparations. The amount of gases inside the baby will decrease - the pressure on the walls of the stomach will also decrease, and, accordingly, the volume of regurgitated food should also be reduced.

In addition to the use of “gas masks”, all other measures to reduce regurgitation should be of an exclusively organizational and household nature. Namely:

  1. After feeding, carry the newborn and the baby in a “column” for as long as possible - let, sorry, burp freely: the more he can release the swallowed air, the less “returned” milk or mixture will pour out on you.
  2. Reduce your food intake for a while. If the baby is breastfed: feed less time, but do not reduce the number of feedings per day. If the baby is artificial, then simply reduce the number of grams of the finished mixture that you give per feeding. How much to cut - the doctor will tell you, because this figure strictly depends on how much the child weighs and the dynamics of his addition.
  3. When putting to bed, doctors advise a newborn baby to swaddle (only do not tighten the legs with a diaper - as a preventive measure). When the baby is swaddled, his nervous activity calms down - it decreases. And with it, the pressure on the walls of the stomach decreases. Which in turn reduces the likelihood that the child will burp in his sleep.
  4. Lead an active lifestyle - walk with your baby every day and bathe him, wear him in a sling and in a special backpack, if there is even the slightest opportunity - visit the pool, massage courses and gymnastics with him. All this will speed up the process of strengthening the muscles of the baby, including those muscles that are included in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Before going to bed, give your baby a pacifier or at least let him suck his thumb - this is somewhat useful. The fact is that in this situation, food no longer enters the stomach, but at the same time, sucking movements continue to stimulate intestinal activity. As a result, more food will fall "under the digestion" of the baby than will be spit out.

The use of pillows and rollers, as well as laying the baby on the tummy face down while sleeping, is highly not recommended. All of these practices increase the risk of

How to relate to regurgitation in the first months of a child's life, whether it is possible to avoid them and whether to be afraid.

1. Why is this happening?

Infantile regurgitation is a process in which a certain amount of food returns to the pharynx and mouth from the stomach or esophagus. Often, air that the child swallowed during feeding also comes out at the same time as the food.

Regurgitation occurs in most infants under the age of six months, but the reasons for this can be different, ranging from an unsettled feeding process to congenital pathologies.

There are two groups of reasons: the so-called banal (those that can be eliminated by making changes in the regimen, lifestyle or diet of the child) and - causes that require serious treatment.

2. Banal reasons.

1. Overfeeding. The volume of the baby's stomach is small, and if the child overeats, then he gets rid of the excess. Regurgitation in this case is just a defensive reaction of the body.
What to do? Some pediatricians recommend feeding according to the regimen, as the regimen helps to clearly track the volume of milk or formula, which means that the baby will not overeat and spit up too much. On the other hand, in accordance with the recommendations of the working group of the European Society of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, clinical nutrition in the treatment of regurgitation includes, first of all, more frequent feeding of the child in smaller portions than usual. This approach corresponds to feeding on demand, in which the baby is more often applied to the breast, which means that he receives a smaller amount in each specific feeding (although he eats the norm per day). The question of the regime or its absence is decided individually.

2. Swallowing large amounts of air during feeding (aerophagia). Children who swallow a lot of air behave restlessly after feeding, cry, their tummy is clearly “inflated”. At the same time, they burp with a characteristic loud sound of outgoing air.

risk group. Regurgitation often occurs in premature babies, babies with intrauterine growth retardation. The "maturation" of all processes in such children continues for about 6-8 weeks after birth. During this period, the baby masters the complex process of coordinated sucking, swallowing and breathing. Since this is not easy for him, spitting up can be intense. If there are no other complicating factors, as the body matures, regurgitation disappears.

Aerophagia can have many causes:

  • the child is hungry, worried, crying (breathing is disturbed, he is in a hurry, gasps for air); Incorrect attachment during breastfeeding (the baby does not grasp or does not grasp the areola correctly, or the mother has a flat, inverted nipple);
  • wrong when feeding or too big hole in the nipple.

3. What to do?

  • If the child woke up very hungry and worried, postpone all hygiene measures for later - feed the baby first.
  • Strictly observe the feeding technique - the baby must capture the areola, and not just the nipple. If you are feeding from a bottle, then hold it so that the entire nipple is filled with milk, and the size of the hole is appropriate for age (1 - for a newborn).
  • In order for the air to come out, which the baby could swallow during feeding, it is enough to hold the baby vertically (putting it on his shoulder) for 3-5 minutes. This can be done both after feeding and during it: if the baby is worried, crying and you see that he swallowed air.
  • If the air still does not come out, you can put the child on his stomach on a soft pillow.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the baby can breathe easily when feeding: regularly clear the nose of mucus and crusts, and when breastfeeding, make sure that the baby does not rest his nose on the chest.

New mothers tend to exaggerate problems with newborns. To understand why the baby often spit up, you need to determine what it means often. Is it harmful to the baby, and then throw a lot of effort into eliminating the alleged frequent spitting up.

What is regurgitation

Unlike most other organs and systems, the newborn's digestive system is not mature. Therefore, most often the problems of a young mother are associated precisely with the digestion of the baby (gas, colic).

Regurgitation, whose scientific name is gastroesophageal reflux, is not a disease. This is a normal phenomenon, the cause of which experts say is the swallowing of air during sucking, combined with the immaturity of the lower food sphincter. 70% of babies between the ages of 1 and 4 months regurgitate food at least once every 24 hours.

Mom worries until what age this unpleasant phenomenon continues. Usually everything goes away by six months, less often - by the first anniversary of the child.

How to understand if a child is spitting up a lot

There are no standards for the number of regurgitations and the volume of outgoing food: everything is individual for each child. There are newborns who spit up after every feeding. Others are less common.

Approximate standards: an average child spits up 5 times a day, the amount of discharge is no more than 2-3 tablespoons at a time. How to find out how many tablespoons of liquid the baby burped? After pouring a tablespoon of water on a towel, compare the size of the stain.

There are several points to pay attention to:

  1. Is there any weight loss
  2. Are there any symptoms of dehydration (sunken fontanel, dry skin and tongue, decreased urination are clear signs)
  3. Is the child sleeping more than usual or, on the contrary, is he overexcited
  4. Is the baby crying while feeding?
  5. What type of outgoing masses

What is dangerous regurgitation

There is an important rule regarding spitting up: you can not put the child on his back after eating. Why? If he burps, he may suffocate if the milk gets into his windpipe. What to do if the baby ate and fell asleep? Why not let him sleep? If it is not possible to carry the child in a column, put it on the side, prop it up with pillows. You can buy a special U-shaped pillow, or use the usual not too soft pillows, a rolled up blanket.

How to reduce the volume and frequency of regurgitation

  1. Lay your baby on your tummy before feeding
  2. Do not put on your stomach after it
  3. Keep after feeding a column
  4. Do not wait until the baby is very hungry - so he will eat greedily, in connection with this, he will swallow air
  5. After feeding, do not play, do not touch the baby
  6. Breastfeed correctly
  7. When feeding through a horn, check if the hole is large. Use special bottles with an anti-colic system - they will help reduce spitting up, including
  8. Do not wear clothes that press on the stomach on the baby. Don't use tight swaddling
  9. Don't overfeed your baby! A lot is not always good. Don't gag him with a breast or a bottle every time he screams.
  10. Formula-fed: try changing formula
  11. Massage your tummy regularly. It trains the abdominal muscles

How to wear a baby in a column

Even in the maternity hospital, medical workers teach mothers to carry their babies in a column after feeding. At the same time, the procedure for such wearing is not directly taught.

  1. Before taking the baby in your arms, decide on which shoulder you will wear it and put a soft towel on it - otherwise there is a chance of getting dirty
  2. Hold the baby to you, supporting the head, back and buttocks, while not sitting down the baby
  3. The head of the newborn should be on your shoulder or slightly lower, the body should be vertical to the floor
  4. Stroke the baby on the back to facilitate the release of air. You can also lightly pat him on the back.
  5. You can walk with him around the room or sit in a comfortable chair - it doesn't matter
  6. You need to keep a column until the moment when the air burps. This may take from 2 to 25 minutes. It won’t take much time if you help the baby with a massage

Sometimes, in the first days of life, the newborn does not spit up. This is most likely due to the fact that he still eats a little. Several days of observation in this case is not an indicator. When the child begins to eat more, this procedure will be mandatory.

By about the second week after birth, the mother's milk becomes mature, while the volume and number of regurgitations increase. This phenomenon stops on average by six months, when the child spends more time in an upright position, and his gastrointestinal tract matures.

Spitting up or vomiting?

In fact, regurgitation is a form of vomiting. Why do we speak of these phenomena as two separate ones? The first is a normal physiological phenomenon, and the second is a sign of a serious illness (fever, poisoning, infection, disruption of the internal organs). Spitting up does not lead to serious concern for the baby, and therefore is not a reason to seek medical help. A summary table will help to distinguish between these two phenomena:

Another important sign of vomiting is that the masses come out in a "fountain", that is, under great pressure.

Fountain regurgitation

The discharge of milk in a fountain scares mothers, even if there are no other signs of vomiting. The reasons for the infrequent cases of the release of masses as a fountain can be:

  1. Overeating - then the phenomenon occurs immediately after separation from the breast or bottle
  2. Aerophagia, i.e. swallowing air and associated belching
  3. Tired baby - after an unusually long wakefulness or nervous tension (arrival of guests, going to the doctor). Occurs within minutes of eating

If the child spits up often or always with a fountain, seek help from a pediatrician to exclude such options:

  1. Staphylococcus infection
  2. Serious indigestion
  3. Malformations of the gastrointestinal tract
  4. neurological problem

Spitting up mucus

If mucus regurgitation occurred in a newborn in the first days of life, it's okay, these are the remains of amniotic fluid that the little man swallowed for several months of uterine life. But if the masses are separated by cottage cheese with mucus at an older age, you need to consult a pediatrician. Mucus is a possible sign of colds or intestinal diseases, as well as pathologies of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

spitting up water

Many mothers are interested in why their baby spit up water or something similar. This seems especially strange if the mother of the child does not drink water. Usually regurgitation of water occurs long after feeding.

Please note that your baby may now have increased salivation (this is a normal phenomenon at some stages of the development of the child's body). In this case, the water may be swallowed by saliva.

Milk in the stomach coagulates, becoming curd and whey. Water when spit up can be whey. This is no more dangerous than regular spitting up.

Artificial feeding

Why you may experience increased regurgitation when bottle-feeding:

  1. Due to incorrect feeding posture. The posture should mimic the positions familiar to breastfeeding
  2. Wrong bottle - too large nipple opening or bad bottle design causes increased air swallowing
  3. Because the mixture is not suitable for your baby. Use a special anti-reflux mixture with a thickener (such as rice powder). Use a palm oil-free formula formulated with and/or based on partially hydrolyzed milk protein. Such mixtures are a treatment and should be prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Due to the incorrect inclination of the bottle when serving it to the baby. Too much inclination leads to the fact that the baby chokes, eating the mixture, too small - to the swallowing of air. The bottle should be selected according to the age of your baby.
  5. Due to the small amount of mixture in the bottle. The formula should fill the bottle completely before feeding.


New mothers worry about a lot of “why”, and this is normal. Regurgitation is an unpleasant phenomenon, but you should not worry about it in vain. Just follow simple tips to reduce the frequency and volume of regurgitation, and treat the phenomenon philosophically.

Here's what experts say about baby spitting up after feeding.