Julia Cameron "Long walks. Practical approach to creativity

Julia Cameron.

Walking In This World


Published with the permission of David Black Literary Agency, P & R Permissions & Rights

Legal support for publisher provides the law firm "Vegas Lex"

© Edition in Russian, Design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

The book is dedicated to Jeremy Tarcher - editor, publisher and dreamer.

Thanks for clarity, wisdom and wit. But most importantly, thanks for friendship

Jerusalem enters the world

Immellent happiness.

Air flows.

Views of passersby

Like milk.

Bread would like to become me now,

So that you reinforce your strength.

Mystery joy

I fill me.

"Yes," - bubbles

In my veins.

Hurts that I am hiding it now,

Only it will pass.

Gentle wind

Song of Dwarfs,

Smiles trees

At the sight of me.


Dull December day. I look out the window on the Riverside Park lit by the pale sun and see an elderly lady and her satellite, which she keeps at hand. Slowly and carefully, they move along a cobblestone path, the point and the thing stops to watch the whining the branch or brave blue shit, fearlessly snatching the crumbs right from under their feet.

I try to remember every phrase, every word we will pronounce ...

Anton Chekhov

One of my favorite ways to communicate with friends - walk together. I like this sense of dissolution in the world and in each other. I like when my thought interrupts raven, diverting to the ground with a stone fence. I like the slow flush of autumn leaves, snowflakes, apple petals - every at one time. Walking and conversations make life more humane, lead it to an ancient, very comfortable state. We live life at the speed of movement, step by step, and something in a leisurely walk reminds us how to live to enjoy the gift.

This feeling of pleasure life occurs automatically - whenever I manage to forget about the rush and pressure. Our planet is beautiful, and we also - if only there is time to notice. Now I live between New York and New Mexico, between walks on the paths of the Riverside Park and the paths, leading through the thickets of Salfa, where the rattling snakes should be feared. They are the real owners of these places, and the paths are only an annoying interference in their usual routes under fragrant pines.

It is during such walks that the best ideas come to me. It is thanks to them that the long-awaited clarity comes. It is in these moments that I feel the completeness of life, my connection with everything that is It is on a walk that a prayer mood is visited. Even in New York, you can feel like a caveman, blinded by the magnificence of golden sunsets above the city. Whenever such an opportunity appears to, I walk with friends and notice how even silence, our conversation is becoming united, which free and sincere. I really hope that the defective structure of this book is thoughtful will allow you to join such walks. Moving slowly, faster punching multilayer protection and denial and touch the living beyond the creative starts inside each. The Great Creator created this world to blind and shake us. Commensusing its speed at the speed of the world, we will increase the chances of what he shakes us and blinds.

Ten years ago, I wrote the book "The Path of the Artist", the main postulate of which is simple: our creative beginning is essentially spiritually, and we can work (and walk) side by side with the great Creator. Today, the technique described in that book I still seem right. I - and more than a million readers - all the same faith and truth serve two main tools: the daily writing of the three so-called morning pages and a weekly solo adventure called "Creative Date." For these ten years nothing has changed. Exercises remained the same. Only one more, also very important, is a weekly walk.

There is nothing, so fully revealing the beauty and power of the world in which we live like a walk. We are artists, which means that it should be used by their body not only to move in small daily affairs. A weekly walk allows you to rise above the bustle, find a fresh perspective and a new level of comfort. Straightening legs, we are straining at the same time, and the souls. No wonder Saint Augustine, a big lover to walk, in his writings I used the mark of Solvitur Ambulando - that is, "the problem is solved while walking." In our case, a solved problem can be like earthly - like unhappy love and sublime - like the concept of a new symphony. Ideas attend us while walking. And not only ideas, but also their coming friends are insight. Often, walking, we will be concrete "What?" And approach more elusive "why?".

Time is not a line, but the sequence of points "now."

Taisen Dassimaru

It may be useful to show you how creative practice may look like. It should be daily and mobile. For this you need only paper, handle and pair of shoes.

I wake up, take a handle and a notebook for the morning pages and appeal to my thoughts to everyday life, noting that I worry me, annoying, admires, torments. I drive a pen on paper as methodically, as a t -rate wet clothes about a Tibetan woman, washing in a mountain river. This is a ritual, the usual way to start the day and clean up in front of him and God. Morning pages do not assume pretense. I just do what I will face: the petty, frightened, not compensatory wonders around him. But the longer I write, the little it becomes - as if the sun rises above the mountains, and much clearers. I start to see why I am afraid who should ask for forgiveness, what matters should be done on this day to at least move forward a little, and then I can suddenly feel the outbreak of insight and see for the ordinary "What" answer to the very question "Why?" (just like a Tibetan woman: blinded by the sun beam, which was reflected from the ice cap of the mountain peak, she for a moment breaks away from the washing). But for the most part, writing the morning pages - routine. I am writing them because I am writing. I am writing them because they "work." Help me to wash the fabric of consciousness.

The best thoughts most often come in the morning after waking up, in bed, or on a walk.

Lev Tolstoy

Once a week I have a small adventure - a creative date. Yes, it is small. I go to the store where the fabrics sell. Or buttons. Slist in a dust buccinistic bench. I will raise in the Department of Birds, where finches, wavy parrots and Korells are trying to attract the attention of the melancholic and leisurely African gray parrot. And if you are lucky, it will be a carpet shop, where you can touch the threads of eternity, the woven knot to the nodule. Or a large hour store where the rhythmic ticking is heard, similar to the heartbeat of the mother's heart.

Long walk. Practical approach to creativity Julia Cameron

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Name: Long walk. Practical approach to creativity

About the book "Long walks. Practical approach to creativity »Julia Cameron

"Long walks" is the second book, which is included in the Trilogy "Path of the Artist", written by Julia Cameron - the most famous expert on creativity in the United States. The writer began his creative way from journalism - worked in such eminent publications like The New York Times, Rolling Stone, The Chicago Tribune. Its personal life is not less known, because she was also his wife Martin Scorsese, one of the most unusual directors of modernity, and at the same time he participated with him in the director of three film directions. Therefore, creativity is not just a fashionable word for Julia Cameron, this is her calling and what she knows how to do the best. At its account - three dozen books, hundreds of plays, poems, television scenarios - so wide range of her interests. Therefore, she can safely trust in matters of creativity.

Such a rich experience allowed the writer to develop his own methodology for the disclosure of creative abilities, which is dedicated to the trilogy "path of the artist", the first book of which came out twenty years ago and almost immediately became a bestseller.

"Long walks" continue the ideas of the series, the writer in it explains to readers about which barriers can meet on the creative path of each person, and about how to overcome them. Together with the author, you will analyze every difficulty in detail, which can meet in the creative life of any creators - and those who have long been on this path, and those who are still at the beginning of it, or at all do not fully understand the power that is stored at They are inside. Julia Cameron believes that every person is an artist, that is, the Creator, only some of us - already consisted and recognized, and the creative gusts of others are hidden from prying views.

Julia itself calls his work "calm pilgrimage", and review readers talk about the same thing - the book is written in a calm, measured, pacifying tone. You seem to walk with the author and reflect on the general themes exciting you. And it is not by chance, because creativity is, above all, spiritual occupation and spiritual practice, and not intellectual.

And, nevertheless, here you will find many interesting, relevant strategies and techniques that will help you reveal your own potential. The second book will offer you a special program to disclose your opportunities planted for 12 weeks. It will be filled with a deep understanding of creativity as a part of a human spiritual life, recommendations, inspiring thoughts of famous people, as well as interesting tasks and exercises. "Long walks", together with Julia, Cameron will help you hard to get up on the creative way, look at your capabilities in a new way and easily cope with any obstacles on your way. The author promotes you, inspire, makes clarity to your thoughts. Julia Cameron helped millions of people around the world to reveal their abilities, translate them to a new level, we suggest that you must join them.

On our site about books Website you can download free without registration or read the online book "Long walk. Practical approach to creativity »Julia Cameron in Epub, FB2, TXT, RTF, PDF formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and the true pleasure of reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, we will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful advice and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself will be able to try your hand in literary skills.

Quotes from the book "Long walks. Practical approach to creativity »Julia Cameron

We are the obstacles to which we refer.

The matter of your life is the main temptation.
Pablo Picasso

Ideas attend us while walking. And not only ideas, but also their coming friends are insight.

In fact, we demand success guarantees before we do the first, the most important step for this. This step is to dedicate yourself to work.

We are faced with manifestations of synchronicity - an unexpected coincidence of domestic needs and sudden favorable external circumstances. We are forced to figure out what expensive we want to go, and the higher the willingness to find creative identity, the more clear instruction we get.

This book is the continuation of the cult "artist's path" Julia Cameron, the second part of her trilogy. She shows readers how to overcome obstacles found on the creative path. Cameron disaccues problems typical not only for beginners of creators, but also for those who have long come to the "path of the artist."

This book with a large selection of new strategies, technicians and inspirational quotes will be your guide to the transition to the advanced level of the "artist path".

From the author

This book was conceived as a calm pilgrimage. Walking and talking, we will disassemble the topic over the theme that our souls are so worried. I speak about the souls because creativity is a spiritual lesson rather than intellectual. Creativity is a daily spiritual practice and, like any spiritual practice, is both mysterious, and methodical.

It was assumed that the book "Long Walks" should dispel the myths of obstacles that are found on the creative path. If it is already possible to say with confidence that the "path of the artist" helped many travelers to go swimming on the seas of creativity, the new book should provide them with a need for a long road to the province: clarity and encouragement.

For whom this book

  • For all creative people.
  • And for the fans of Julia Cameron, who have already entered the "path of the artist."

Julia Cameron.

Walking In This World


Published with the permission of David Black Literary Agency, P & R Permissions & Rights

All rights reserved.

No part of this book can be reproduced in whatever form without the written permission of copyright holders.

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2017

The book is dedicated to Jeremy Tarcher - editor, publisher and dreamer. Thanks for clarity, wisdom and wit. But most importantly, thanks for friendship

Jerusalem enters the world

Immellent happiness.
Air flows.
Views of passersby
Like milk.
Bread would like to become me now,
So that you reinforce your strength.
Mystery joy
I fill me.
"Yes," - bubbles
In my veins.
Hurts that I am hiding it now,
Only it will pass.
Gentle wind
Song of Dwarfs,
Smiles trees
At the sight of me.

I hear Osannu,
I hear prayer:
Enters the world Jerusalem.
Jerusalem enters this world.


Dull December day. I look out the window on the Riverside Park lit by the pale sun and see an elderly lady and her satellite, which she keeps at hand. Slowly and carefully, they move along a cobblestone path, the point and the thing stops to watch the whining the branch or brave blue shit, fearlessly snatching the crumbs right from under their feet.

I try to remember every phrase, every word we will pronounce ...

One of my favorite ways to communicate with friends - walk together. I like this sense of dissolution in the world and in each other. I like when my thought interrupts raven, diverting to the ground with a stone fence. I like the slow flush of autumn leaves, snowflakes, apple petals - every at one time. Walking and conversations make life more humane, lead it to an ancient, very comfortable state. We live life at the speed of movement, step by step, and something in a leisurely walk reminds us how to live to enjoy the gift.

This feeling of pleasure life occurs automatically - whenever I manage to forget about the rush and pressure. Our planet is beautiful, and we also - if only there is time to notice. Now I live between New York and New Mexico, between walks on the paths of the Riverside Park and the paths, leading through the thickets of Salfa, where the rattling snakes should be feared. They are real owners of these places, and paths are only an annoying interference in their usual routes under fragrant pines.

It is during such walks that the best ideas come to me. It is thanks to them that the long-awaited clarity comes. It is in these moments that I feel the completeness of life, my connection with everything that is It is on a walk that a prayer mood is visited. Even in New York, you can feel like a caveman, blinded by the magnificence of golden sunsets above the city. Whenever such an opportunity appears to, I walk with friends and notice how even silence, our conversation is becoming united, which free and sincere. I really hope that the defective structure of this book is thoughtful will allow you to join such walks. Moving slowly, faster punching multilayer protection and denial and touch the living beyond the creative starts inside each. The Great Creator created this world to blind and shake us. Commensusing its speed at the speed of the world, we will increase the chances of what he shakes us and blinds.

Ten years ago, I wrote the book "The Path of the Artist", the main postulate of which is simple: our creative beginning is essentially spiritually, and we can work (and walk) side by side with the great Creator. Today, the technique described in that book I still seem right. I - and more than a million readers - all the same faith and truth serve two main tools: the daily writing of the three so-called morning pages and a weekly solo adventure called "Creative Date." For these ten years nothing has changed. Exercises remained the same. Only one more, also very important, is a weekly walk.

There is nothing, so fully revealing the beauty and power of the world in which we live like a walk. We are artists, which means that both the body should be used not only to move in small daily affairs. A weekly walk allows you to rise above the bustle, find a fresh perspective and a new level of comfort. Straightening legs, we are straining at the same time, and the souls. No wonder Saint Augustine, a big lover to walk, in his writings I used the mark of Solvitur Ambulando - that is, "the problem is solved while walking." In our case, a solved problem can be like earthly - like unhappy love and sublime - like the concept of a new symphony. Ideas attend us while walking. And not only ideas, but also their coming friends are insight. Often, walking, we will be concrete "What?" And approach more elusive "why?".

Time is not a line, but the sequence of points "now."

Taisen Dassimaru

It may be useful to show you how creative practice may look like. It should be daily and mobile. For this you need only paper, handle and pair of shoes.

I wake up, take a handle and a notebook for the morning pages and appeal to my thoughts to everyday life, noting that I worry me, annoying, admires, torments. I drive a pen on paper as methodically, as a t -rate wet clothes about a Tibetan woman, washing in a mountain river. This is a ritual, the usual way to start the day and clean up in front of him and God. Morning pages do not assume pretense. I just do what I will face: the petty, frightened, not compensatory wonders around him. But the longer I write, the little it becomes - as if the sun rises above the mountains, and much clearers. I start to see why I am afraid who should ask for forgiveness, what matters should be done on this day to at least move forward a little, and then I can suddenly feel the outbreak of insight and see for the ordinary "What" answer to the very question "Why?" (just like a Tibetan woman: blinded by the sun beam, which was reflected from the ice cap of the mountain peak, she for a moment breaks away from the washing). But for the most part, writing the morning pages - routine. I am writing them because I am writing. I am writing them because they "work." Help me to wash the fabric of consciousness.

The best thoughts most often come in the morning after waking up, in bed, or on a walk.

Once a week I have a small adventure - a creative date. Yes, it is small. I go to the store where the fabrics sell. Or buttons. Slist in a dust buccinistic bench. I will raise in the Department of Birds, where finches, wavy parrots and Korells are trying to attract the attention of the melancholic and leisurely African gray parrot. And if you are lucky, it will be a carpet shop, where you can touch the threads of eternity, the woven knot to the nodule. Or a large hour store where the rhythmic ticking is heard, similar to the heartbeat of the mother's heart.

On a creative date I try to break out of the rapid flow of time. I declare an hour free from production limitations, and I give myself a chance to engage in the production of my own "I". I turn into one of the shower among many, I become one of the whole bouquet of life. Having done a step to the side, stopping the arrow of the clock - at least for an hour, I feel a tide of compassion. "We are one whole," I understand. And also: "It's fine."

Eternal hurry, eternal stress - in this I did not differ from my disciples and therefore it was just forced to find a way to stop. It was not immediately for the idea of \u200b\u200bwalking - but what can you do. Only after forty realized all the power of this important tool. And now if possible every day, but at least once a week I do long, refreshing soul walking.

Considering the density of our life, the time for such walks can be carved if you drive to one stop less or in the morning to get out of the house for a few minutes early and, refusing the usual short trip to the taxi, go through the desired distance on foot. You can walk at lunch or late in the evening. Then as you walk, then less than what you at all Walk. During the walk, a dialogue occurs between your inner teacher and those with whom you will get to know these pages.

Ideas come from everywhere.

Alfred Hitchkok

Since the release of the book "The Path of the Artist", I heard many wonderful stories. It is suitable for me in a restaurant or just on the street with the words: "Your book has changed my life." I like being a channel of information transfer - because I have always been to them. I simply recorded the principles of divine intervention in our lives, which occurs at the moments when we are engaged in creativity, thereby connecting your great creator. In fact, I teach that we are all "connected" and that it costs to realize and succumb to it, how to become an ancient and durable chain: the great Creator loves artists and, like everyone in love, only waiting for the moment to answer love, Which we are ready to offer him.

As we appeal to God, no matter. It is important that we appeal. We will consider it an interactive, generous, benevolent creative beginning of the universal scale, which fills the wind of our dreams to the wind and softens the landing after creative flight. This is a great creator, and he is interested in our human creative beginning, naturally and inevitably supports him, recognizing our creative ideas as their own children.

When entering into this world, we should not consider themselves as orphans. Our prayers will be heard. There is someone or something, in whose heart they will certainly respond. When we change the inner life, changes occur both in external. Yes, she changed as a result of the intervention of this listening to us, as during a walk with a close friend, who, having heard you, will say: "Or maybe you try to do something? Oh, just look at this huge protein! "

All artists configured on his wave, the great Creator convinces, causing and strengthens the same way. It is not about the fact that God, like Bergess Meredith, seeks to make Rocca from each of us (although this image is not so bad). God the great artist himself and before each artist appears in the form or forms that are most useful and necessary for his creative disclosure. His kindness manifests itself when, where and how we need it most. One woman meets a teacher of singing. Another finds a supplier of great yarn. Someone gets free to mount video in the Avid program. Someone discovers a store for artists, which sells the best German sharpeners in the world.

There is nothing too small. There is nothing too large. If we walk to walk, we write the morning pages every day and we go to creative dates weekly, then we begin to understand the sphere of interest and scale of God, the look of which is facing at the same time on the gloom, and deep into the immense universe. We are part of this and, by virtue of the fact that we extend your hand, is his partners in life.

Our aspirations are our opportunities.

Samuel Johnson

As you move forward, we discover that not alone on this path. The loneliness, which we fear in art, in fact, becomes the result of the separation from the creative beginning, from the Creator in his soul. It is worth really trying to do something, and we will meet with this Creator. And if you try again and again, we have - and from us - it will turn out more and more. "Father, staying in me, he creates business."

For many centuries, artists talk about inspiration. Talk about the voices of over, which hear when they are ready to hear. Exclaim, sprinkling with their creative start, with the inner creator: "These ideas come from somewhere from the outside!" Such ideas can - and will be to come to each of us. They are like proteins that jump on the branches. Like a gentle sunset split on the cheekbones. Like a light, but tangible touch of the unknown, which we feel when they are ready for this.

The book "Long Walking" was conceived as a calm pilgrimage. Walking and talking, we will disassemble the topic over the theme that our souls are so worried. I am talking about the souls because creativity - the occupation is rather spiritual than intellectual. Creativity is a daily spiritual practice and, like any spiritual practice, at the same time, mysteriously, and methodically.

It was assumed that this book should dispel myths about the obstacles found on the creative way. It dismantled problems typical not only for novice creators, but also for those who have advanced rather far on this path. If now it is already possible to say with confidence that the "path of the artist" helped many travelers to go swimming on the seas of creativity, the new book should provide them with a need for a long road to the province: clarity and encouragement. Creative life is exciting, but difficult. It may be facilitated by like-minded people and friends.

The matter of your life is the main temptation.

Pablo Picasso

When entering into this world, we are moving step by step, and in this walk we accompany the angels, whose presence is invisible, but clearly noticeable. And if we discover the unearthly leadership - listening to your creative start, and in our world, and in our too terrestrial hearts will become more unearthly beauty.

Main methods

Many readers Previous books "The path of the artist" and "Golden lived" are familiar with the basic methods of my creative practice. Newcomers only have to meet them. Therefore, it would be nice to find time and remember or learn these three simple methods: Morning pages, a creative date and a weekly walk. I ask you to practice them throughout the course.

The first method. Morning Pages

Morning pages - the main tool for restoring a creative start. I consider them the foundation of any creativity. Three pages of "Consciousness", written before your day begin, are necessary for the arrangement of priorities, clarifying and justifying what you will be engaged today. Someone called these confused, surface, sometimes tearful texts "sewage for mind", because they are so easy to pour out their negative. In the morning pages, all your concern is reflected: hostile intonations in the vote of a beloved person, an unpleasant knock in the car engine, uncertainty with where this month take money to the apartment. They have a place for doubt about friendship, reasoning about the possibility of work, reminders Buy filler for a cat toilet. They also meet themes of overeating, lack of sleep, alcohol abuse and fruitless thoughtful - these favorite instruments for the procrastination of artists.

... We all need peace and healing that we carefully carry rituals.

Sarah Ban Bretnach

I am writing morning pages for twenty years. They witnessed my life in Chicago, New Mexico, New York and Los Angeles. They spent me through writing books, writing music, father's death, divorce, shopping and horses. They sent me to the lessons of playing the piano, stimulated sports, pushed to an energetic correspondence with an important person for me, to passionate cooking, to reread and alteration of old manuscripts. There is not a single corner of my life and mind that did not find reflections in the morning pages. They became a broom, which purely swept my mind and prepares it to the daytime stream of fresh thoughts.

Morning Pages I write in "Notebook for the Morning Pages of the Path of the Artist", designed specifically for these purposes. You can write your morning pages in a brilliant notepad with a spiral block. Some use a computer for this, although I still strongly advise you to write from hand. Even the drawing of the line tells me about the status and clarity of thoughts. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to write morning pages. They seem pompous, boring, banal, they happen repetitions in them or the depression is at all. I learned to write, despite the periods of Handra, and I am sure that the morning pages became part of the course of treatment. I met people, "too busy" in order to write anything. I sympathize, but I doubt that without this exercise their life has at least some chances to become less tense.

We must be ready to abandon your life planned in favor of life, which expects us.

Joseph Campbell

I know there is such a paradox: the morning pages at the same time and take time, and give it. It seems that, recording your internal "movies" on paper, we gain freedom of action in real life. Suddenly, the day is filled with lots of noticeable points of choice and tiny intervals that can be used quite consciously. The easiest example: we write "you need to call Elbert", and this hook encourages to really call it when a free minute is issued. When you write morning pages, everything usually begins to fold "right". The day begins to belong to us. Our lives no longer manage plans and priorities of other people. We still think about others, but now we think about yourself too.

I like to consider writing the morning pages with the process of informing information, but not in the usual sense, not some external storage towards us. No, morning pages are withdrawal ours information. The way to get closer to the main thing: with its true values, sensations, plans. It takes about half an hour - usually just so much to meditate. I think that morning pages are peculiar meditation, the most powerful and liberating form for hyperactive people of Western culture. On paper splashed anxiety, fantasy, anxiety, hopes, dreams, fears and thoughts. It becomes a screen reflecting our consciousness. Thoughts like the clouds flowing across the mountain pass before the eyes.

I started writing the morning pages, living at the foot of Taos Mountain in New Mexico. Then I felt in a dead end - both in personal life, and in creativity, and in a career. Somehow in the morning just came the idea to write morning pages - and since then I do it every day. Day after day, the page behind the page I raised the knots of my career, life and love. Pages pointed me the path where it seemed to go through, and I follow them and believe that while I write them, the path would not end. I ask you to write morning pages while you read this book, and hope that you will do it further. They will lead you to the inner teacher whose depth will amaze. Only you can open this door. And I really hope that you will open it right now.

The second method. Creative date

The second method, vital for creative rebirth, is a creative date. It is based on the desire for adventures and autonomy and is a weekly hourly single expedition for the sake of studying something bright or interesting for the creative component of your personality. If the morning pages are work, then creative dates are a game. But do not let yourself skip them, considering less important. The phrase "the game of imagination" is expensive, because art and is The result of the wigwested imagination. The artist who forgot how to play, will soon forget and how to work. Without practice, it is even more difficult to take a jump in the uncharted, take a step to paper, scene or easel.

How easily becomes when you understand what you can simultaneously create and be happy.

In addition, creativity is essentially based on images. We plunge into the depths of consciousness in search of images and events that our imagination could use. If you behave implainly, it is easy to exhaust the inner well, to drain the margin of images. In search of what to say, do, or write, we are becoming more and more easily on decent ideas. We are not "clinging."

Conscious use of the method of creative dating once a week - or twice as often, if you feel that they exhaled, - fills the inner well and improves well-being. When you practice creative dates, the sense of synchronism is noticeably increasing - this is a striking feeling that you are in the right place in the right time. As a declared long time to bed, the sickness feels more and more irritation and claustrophobia, and the artist without creative dates begins to suffer from a stuff. I know it in my own experience, because I was sick for a long time. And always upon returning to the practice of creative dates, my well-being improved, and the results of the work became deeper and large.

Intuition is when your creative start is trying to tell you something.

I ask you throughout the course - and preferably after His graduation - this weekly "go out" somewhere with your inner artist. Calculate collide with resistance and sabotage, the sources of which you yourself will be: it is worth starting to plan something adventurous and interesting how something inside will rise against a date. Our inner artist is a volatile, vulnerable and wounded, like a child whose parents divorced. At least once a week, he demands your undivided attention to be able to tell about his dreams and problems. This may be painful - is it so wondering that we sometimes avoid such contacts? Be prepared to resist your resistance.

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    The young healer of Sollar after a long study returned home and full of hope for the future. However, a meeting with the prince, in which she was in love with a girl, confused all the cards. What is the prince? The domineering and irreconcilable, it seemed, he absolutely does not know how to love ... But love does not know the obstacles. The main thing is not to sleep and recognize your feelings on time.

    And Solare and without this there is no time to miss! The circle of secrets, intrigue, danger, vampires ... And nearby all the time there is a nasty rival, not giving to relax for a moment.

    So, it is necessary to solve all the secrets, to leave the rival, to avoid danger, asshole the heart of the prince and ... fall in love. More than ever! As the last time!

  • Faculty of defenders
    Danberg Dana
    Fiction, detective fiction, love novels, love-fiction novels

    The history of the junior police officer Wi-melet Shir continues. Can Decan conquer her heart, what goals he pursues? What does he feel ... guilt, parent desire to protect or is it something else, more burning and explosive? But not to escape from work. Waylet, despite the ban, does not want to throw a thing about the abduction of the witches. She has to answer the question: what are the highest hierarchs of the clan, are they involved in crimes? In addition, another strange thing appears, which is drawn well-known heroes. Perhaps some secrets of the last life of the vampire will be repaid.