What does human karma mean? What is included in the concept of "karma"

The concept of "karma" is one of the most mysterious and interesting to almost any person.
Translated from Sanskrit, the word "karma" means "action." Karma is the action of a person in his thoughts, emotions, feelings, intentions and actions.

What is Karma: Definition

In the religions of the East, karma is defined as an aggregate - "collection" of all actions, deeds committed by a person and their consequences, which shape the Destiny and the nature of his new incarnation.

For the law of karma, according to the Divine will, says: "as you sow, you reap." For all his actions, both good and bad, a person must bear the answer.

What is Karma and Destiny

Very often the concept of "Karma" is identified with the concept of "Destiny", considering them to be synonyms. But this is not entirely correct from an esoteric point of view.

It is more correct to designate the word "Karma" as the experience of the human Soul, accumulated in the present and previous lives.

Most often, this concept is used to denote a negative, bad experience for which a person is responsible in the form of punishments, prohibitions, suffering and all kinds of restrictions.

Fate, however, is primordial, predetermined, and realized.

The Primordial Destiny is set even before the birth of a person by his Karma, that is, by those actions that a person performed in previous incarnations, by his experience of past lives.

The Primordial Destiny is what should happen to a person, based on his Karma, his experience. These are certain events and situations that will help him realize his karmic tasks, find his Path and Purpose.

When we hear that a person has “negative karma,” it means that from past lives he “brought” many negative “actions” in the form of bad thoughts, emotions, actions or sins (from the point of view of the Christian religion). And for all this he answers with his sufferings, troubles, prohibitions.

The concept of "Karma" also includes the Higher Forces, as a special Deity, which determines for each specific person his karmic tasks, "selects" the "option" of Destiny and "places" in the conditions necessary for growth and development. This Deity exercises "control" over human development, which is realized according to the Creator's plan.

The main plan of the Creator is the law of Universal Justice. It says that every living being gets what he deserves in his life. Those people who have done bad deeds receive a certain amount of suffering and pain. And those who live by observing spiritual laws are encouraged by rewards and good changes in Destiny.

All information about a person's past lives, all his thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions are recorded and recorded by Karma, on the basis of which the fate of a person in the current incarnation is determined.

What is karma and is it forever

Karma begins to "work" when a person turns 14 years old. Until this age, parents are responsible for his actions, because the child is in their energy field. From the age of 14 to 16, the child's subtle body is separated from the parents' subtle bodies.

And therefore, it is very important on the part of the parents to give the “little person” the right to make decisions and be responsible for them.

What is karma and how to clear it

Each person comes with a certain karma that is assigned to him at birth.

And from the age of 14, a person is able to change it, improve it by doing good deeds, thinking positively and forming good intentions, observing the spiritual laws of the Universe.

This is how positive karmic developments are formed, which will help a person find happiness, harmony in this life and in the next.

Edited by Marina Belaya.

KARMA - (Sanskrit - deed). In a broad sense, the total amount of actions committed by any living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of his new birth, reincarnation. In a narrow sense - the influence of the committed actions on the nature of the present and subsequent existence.

The concept of karma is associated with the concept of reincarnation, according to which the thoughts and actions of a past life influence the present. So, some philosophies believe that our destiny is a consequence of the work of karma. The action of karma in the Eastern tradition is carried out by the universe. In the Western tradition, sin is punished by God, that is, a similar scheme is obtained - cause / effect.

A person can rise above the laws of karma. By working on oneself, a person can become a Buddha, i.e. become illuminated (aware / trained) - free. Buddhists do not pray to the Buddha-man, but to the concept of "illumination." Buddha for them is illumination, enlightenment.

The Universe gives a person everything he needs (soul, life, body, food). She also exercises control over the implementation of her plans. Imagine this picture. The human embryo develops in the mother's womb. The due date of birth is approaching, but he realizes that, once born, he must take care of himself. He needs food, shelter, clothing, protection, care, etc. Will he get it in the “other world”? Having reasoned this way, the little man decides to stay to live in it further. He is afraid of the other world in which he needs to take care of himself. So he lives on full support, being in bliss, tranquility and affection. Meanwhile, the mother's body is aging, and she dies. Naturally, the child in her womb also dies. No process can go on indefinitely.

To ensure normal life in the human body, large and small physiological processes occur.

In the same way, various Forces operate in the entire Universe, exercising control. There is a special supervision, which, like the immune system, monitors the observance of integrity, harmony and the correct direction of development. The forces that control the order on the planet and over human activities are controlled by the lords of karma. Any activity of each person is recorded on the "thin" structures of outer space. The lords of karma correct the evolution of each individual person. To many, these corrections seem too harsh, but in fact they are all done only for the good.

Health, communication and destiny

Everything related to human health is concentrated in the physical body and 60 cm around it. This is a personal, intimate space of a person. The sphere of communication extends from a person for about 60 m. Its quality determines character traits. The area in which the fate of a person is decided can cover a significant part of the universal human field. The fate of some people is decided in different parts of the world, among other nations and can affect the interests of huge masses of people.

The guiding efforts of karma, first of all, try to affect the field responsible for a person's health, so that the disease makes a person think, change his mind and change in the right direction.

The human soul is protected by a minor misfortune - deterioration of health and the occurrence of diseases. If a person ignores these signals and continues a vicious life, then the structures of the soul are destroyed and a more serious punishment goes along the line of communication and fate. And here it is important to emphasize this feature. Someone "cured" a person, but if the person himself did not realize the causes of his ailments and diseases, did not want to eliminate them and change, then the information of diseases displaced from the line (structure) of health will be transferred to the line (structure) of fate. A person will begin to suffer according to fate: the disease has just been transferred to the future, has moved to the field structures of relatives and children.

Human structure. The place of karma in the body

A person has two components: a physical body and consciousness. Both the physical body and the mind have a very complex, but harmoniously balanced structure. Ordinary consciousness is a life experience acquired in one human life, plus the usual mental activity of a person in communication and work. Overconsciousness is a life experience acquired in all previous lives of a person, plus a special mental activity. In an ordinary person, it is blocked and manifests itself in dreams and some other, special, states.

The situation with the subconscious is somewhat more complicated. This is the sum of information and energy programs that were formed either by the person himself in his ordinary consciousness, or by other people, and forgotten, unconscious "settled" in the structures of the field form of life. Ordinary consciousness does not perceive them, but they nevertheless influence it. Strong emotional experiences "fall through" into the subconscious, programs formed by the parents are postponed.

From here they can rise back into consciousness and interfere with its work. They are activated by similar thoughts, emotions, moods, pushing a person to do bad things.

Resonance and Thunderbolt Effect

Vibrations and thought forms have the property of amplification from uniting with similar ones (resonance effect). They resonate with such "records" in the causal body of a person, push him to perform an action and are remembered through this action in the three-dimensional, physical world. This is how they are discharged. Often it turns out that a specific thought is realized in a certain action not through the person who produced it, but through another, whose cup overflowed from such thoughts. It is important to understand that vibrations and thought-forms by themselves cannot be realized - they need a conductor. And only man can be this guide to the physical world.

To consolidate their superiority, to protect material interests, people create more and more powerful equipment. They earn their living, feed their families. Everything seems to be good. But, on the other hand, there is an accumulation of karma, which is eventually realized in the corresponding events. Everything turns against the creators and producers. Murders. Terrorist acts, industrial accidents, accidents with “innocent” people are the fruits of previously “sown” causes. Humanity does not understand the hidden perniciousness of scientific and technological progress, so the lesson is being repeated in an increasingly terrible and massive form.

Footprints in the sand and a sleeping boomerang

Karmic information “settles” well and is transmitted through objects and things. And it is not known whether the new owner will accept the thing or not. If he accepts, or a person remakes it for himself, everything is fine. If not, then you can expect trouble. Worn items that previously belonged to another can convey the painful condition and fate of the old one to the new owner. Furniture, premises, buildings, areas, and especially works of culture and art have a similar property. Animals and plants are also involved in the karma cycle of their masters. If the inner world of a person is not visible to us, then its external display can be seen and judged by it about a person, and even about his fate.

Individual karma consists of those acquired in past lives and gained in the current life. The karma acquired in past lives “lies” and “slumbers” in the field form of life, waiting for “its own” karmic situation, which will activate and put it into action. The karma earned in the current life is formed from one source - the consciousness of a person, and depends on the traits of his character. Manifesting his character traits in this or that karmic, everyday, family and other situations, a person either extinguishes or accumulates karma in the current life.

The person committed an offense in relation to the Space, but later, with his good deeds, caused a benevolent attitude towards himself, and there was a weakening of the karmic response for this offense. This kind of karma is called "weakened". The most typical version of a karmic response is when a person, after committing a misdemeanor, after some time feels its opposite effect in the form of bad luck, deterioration of health, etc. This kind of karma is called fully developed. And, finally, there is a variant of a karmic response, when the process of the reverse impact is postponed due to the prevailing (karmic) circumstances. This kind of karma is called interrupted.

Relay of good and evil through the ancestral canal

How can karma be passed on through the ancestral line? Ancient sources, as well as "Agni Yoga" assert that the life experience accumulated by a person during his life, after the death of a person, does not disappear anywhere. In the posthumous existence (in the interval between death and rebirth), the soul processes it for the purpose of its spiritual growth. Depending on the quality of the accumulated experience, the Lords of Karma prepare a field of activity for the soul so that it can more fully realize it, open it, and work it out. Therefore, many components must be taken into account: era, country, people around, family, etc.

The birthing process is an unusually intense experience for both the mother and the baby. They should be carried out very correctly, as naturally and without violence as possible. There should be no anxiety among those taking birth, there should be no need to frighten the woman in labor: all this will lay pathological programs in the subconscious of the child. Statements of the expectant mother like: “I won't succeed! I'm scared! How hard it is for me. What are we going to do! " and so on - they will show themselves in a child, and even in an adult, with unmotivated fears, inability to achieve a set goal, to win an everyday victory, self-doubt, succumbing to difficulties and many other "psychological things", disorders and diseases.

As we know, due to karmic predestination, a person is born to those parents whose karma corresponds to his own. The parents through whom we appear are the “exit points” that continue into subsequent generations. This is the concept of gender. Previously, the clan was conducted along the maternal line, for the maternal womb is the “exit place” of each person. The main thing here is an uninterrupted chain of succession: a child, an adult, an old man. An old man dies, an adult becomes an old man, a child becomes an adult with children, and so on. So, the “exit place” “remembers” information about seven generations of people. And if someone violated moral laws, then information about this along the chain of succession will be passed on to subsequent generations.

The girl had a very severe karma, and was left an orphan early. She got married, hated her husband (the karmic program of evil in her played a role here), but gave birth to ten children from him! Not a single abortion. My husband was washed down so that he killed himself. One child died as a child. All other children have a bad fate: men drink too much, family life does not work out. Their life expectancy is short and, as a rule, life ends tragically. The grandchildren suffer - the girls seem to be in passing, but the boys (who have reached puberty) are "hit" directly. They suffer from an incomprehensible, rare disease. But the grandmother herself, although forgotten by everyone and in poor conditions, lives in her ninth decade! She threw everything on the children!

Change karma - every second heal with the Name

The choice of a name for a person will greatly affect his fate. When parents choose a name for a child, it is fixed in the field form of a person's life in the form of a certain program (a kind of code). The name may suit and favor a person in life, it may be neutral, or it may not correspond and distort the fate of a person. You should be especially careful when giving a name to a child in honor of someone (relative, friend, etc.). Naming a child after someone else's honor, you do two things: you karmically connect your child with the person after whom he is named, and connect him to the egregor of the given name. It is best to name the child in honor of the saints who showed themselves on a given day of the calendar.

Resentment is a mental and emotional activity in the ordinary mind of a person, which forms a certain package of programs. The resentment program package can be transmitted along the lineage. The strength of the offense is determined by the energy level of the offended person. The higher it is, the more thoughts and emotions “fold” the life energy of the field life form into a program of resentment. It is not recommended to allow thoughts and emotions of resentment during an emotional upsurge: a birthday, a wedding celebration, etc. In this state, ordinary consciousness forms the strongest (and therefore harmful to health, character and fate) programs of resentment.

If a person, being married, before the birth of a child is offended by his spouse, and even more so hates him, then a separation program is formed. Then the spouses can make up and forget about the quarrels, but the program remains and is passed on to their children. Children become adults, create their own families. And here an interesting pattern emerges. If a suitable life situation is created, or there are appropriate character traits that can “hook” and activate the separation program, the family breaks up. If they are not there, then the "dormant" program goes on and on until it works on someone. This is true of any other program. Some children pass it, while others fall into it.

Hatred is a conscious and purposeful mental and emotional process designed to harm and destroy a specific object (person and others). This process forms, in field form, the most powerful programs of destruction, which spread along the family tree for several generations in advance. If a spouse hates her husband, mentally and in words wishes him evil, then a program for destruction will be formed in her field form of life. This program, due to the binding, begins to destroy the one against whom it was created. At the same time, it begins to destroy the structures of the field life form of the creator himself, if he is not protected or cannot defend himself.

The hate program works sluggishly, imperceptibly. Outwardly, it manifests itself in a bleak attitude towards life. She is the cause of addiction to alcohol and drugs, makes family life dull. A person who has a program of hatred, destruction in his subconsciousness, unconsciously and unmotivatedly pushes it to commit an act dangerous for himself (for example, a fight, stabbing on domestic grounds), does not value his life and the life of other people. It can harm a large number of people, especially those who depend on it. In the end, he himself may be struck by some disease associated with a loss of energy, atrophy, tendon contraction.

Suicidal thoughts create a self-destruction program in the field form of life, to the formation of which thoughts about unwillingness to have children can also lead. Having settled in the subconscious, it undermines the health and destiny of many generations. The subconscious self-destruction program externally breaks through in situations provoking it and leads to unmotivated crimes, murders and suicides. This program is not only preserved in the field of the genus, but is also gaining strength, fueled by the energy of thoughts about the suicide of children and grandchildren. It often happens that in a family, one after another, people leave life of their own free will because of a problem that is easily solvable.

Suicidal thoughts are most often visited by a person at a young age because of offenses on the basis of love. Girls - adolescents and young women, as the more sensual and emotional natures, suffer the most from this. They flare up, form a self-destruction program, and then move away and live on. But the program remains and deforms the field structures in the head or lower abdomen. So a woman herself forms future headaches and gynecological diseases for herself. The self-destruction program will “smolder” until a woman feeds her with a new similar process. This can manifest itself in a normal family after resentment against the husband, termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Coded for [not] happiness

Nowadays, various coding is widely used to get rid of a person's addiction to alcohol, drug addiction, smoking, overeating. They began to use training under hypnosis, introduce weight loss programs, etc.

What is the harm of such interference? Any information should be entered through ordinary consciousness and in the form of memory be in its place. If information is brought in, pushed in, driven out, bypassing ordinary consciousness, it deforms the structures of the field form of life, distorts the general circulation of energy in it. After a certain time, a person's health can be upset, and then a disease appears.

The main human error is that he identifies himself with desire and feeling. Spirit, soul is one thing, but feelings and desires are completely different. To serve desire, you need to give it vital energy, let it into your consciousness, allow it to “pass” through the body. If all this is done unconsciously, then the program of desire, sensual pleasure becomes so powerful that a person only does what he serves: he becomes her slave. If a person's soul is sufficiently developed and exalted, a person owns his desires, feelings and things, but not vice versa.

Unconscious resentment program to a previously beloved person (girlfriend to girlfriend, to each other), inherited, can lead to lesbianism or homosexuality. The subconscious mind tries to suppress the resentment program by increasing the degree of attachment of a woman to a woman, a man to a man. Homosexuality can also arise as an attempt to replenish the dying feeling of love and attachment of one person to another. By and large, a person should love the whole world around him, all people, without making any special distinction between them. The feeling of intimacy is a very small part of this great love. If the subconscious feeling of universal Great love dulls or fades away, then as an attempt to compensate for it, same-sex love can arise.

Renunciation from a born child, mental unwillingness to have a child and be pregnant, as well as termination of pregnancy, especially at long periods; the urge to terminate pregnancy, not only in actions, words, but even in thoughts - burdens karma. This applies equally to women and men, regardless of their age. For example, a woman after an abortion (or after the advice to do it) may develop an ovarian cyst. A man who insists on an abortion gets “weakness” in the lower back. “Weakness” is expressed in lumbar pain, and maybe in early impotence, prostatitis or adenoma. A verbal, emotional, mental desire to destroy a future person is a violation of the main law of life, for which a person pays with his health and fate.

Secrets of "weak" points

Knowing the “weakness” of a person - the program of evil inherent in him, life will create such situations so that this program could manifest itself, “open up” and be either outlived or even more aggravated. If a person manages to accept, resist, endure and not give in, karma will be removed, the tests will end, the lesson is worked out. The problem is removed, the turn of another karmic lesson comes. What it will be, only the Lords of Karma know, but it will have to humbly accept, comprehend and work out. Next, the turn of other lessons will come, and everything will be repeated from the beginning. Only when there are no karmic knots left in your field form of life - you are ripe for the Kingdom of Heaven, will you be able to go through the "eye of a needle", incarnating into a conscious field whose home is the entire Universe.

What does it mean to repent, to repent? Many people confuse the meaning of “repent” with words such as “remorse,” “self-flagellation,” “regret,” and the like. If a person regrets something for a long time, worries, reproaches himself, this means one thing - he mentally creates a harmful program and feeds it with his experiences, emotions, and it will interfere with his life in the future and will pass to his descendants.

Repentance means the process of realizing the harmfulness of past actions and the desire to atone for them, to correct them. A repentant person ceases to commit harmful acts, lives in a different way. In addition, he seeks to compensate for previously caused damage and by his labor corrects the harm caused to someone or something.

Write down all your weaknesses and problems on paper and start slowly working. First, decide on the main question: what do you want, what do you expect from life? Start changing your habits. First of all, get rid of destructive and bad habits. Further, one must begin to work out communication by changing the attitude towards people around, nature, events. Be more tolerant, softer, more understanding and quick-witted. Develop love for loved ones, try to justify and forgive your enemies. And most importantly, try to constantly feel yourself surrounded by life, by the love of a large organism - the Cosmos. Give him the same answer. Arrange the Unity of life and justice in everything. Feel this love physically and respond to it with the same feeling.

Love, responsibility, calmness and work will grind everything

First of all, it is necessary to increase self-awareness and responsibility for their own health. Accept the state of health you have without any murmur. Since most of the health problems (approximately 90%) arise from lifestyle characteristics, analyze it first. Start with the simplest: do you have bad habits, what is your mindset, daily routine, how, what and when do you eat. After conducting such an analysis and finding errors, eliminate them. It is highly desirable to cleanse your body. If you continue to properly adhere to the "technology of health", then most diseases and health problems disappear, because they were caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Calmness and equanimity of human consciousness have been appreciated at all times. This quality allowed a person to navigate meaningfully and reasonably in any environment and to act with the greatest efficiency. The informational action of the senses, the logical action of the mind and memory without connecting emotions does not allow the formation of destructive programs and their introduction into the subconscious. This is an excellent prevention against bad karma. A person can and should intervene in the course of events, resist them, proceeding from his personal interests, but only without connecting emotions. Analyze events, look for ways to resolve, ways to overcome obstacles. But just don't connect emotions. Act calmly in any setting.

Working with karma requires realizing yourself as a spiritual being and taking responsibility for yourself

For your thoughts and actions. Acceptance of life and life situations as they are. Reflecting on life, life situation and making decisions for positive work. Conscious, purposeful work.
Assessment of the work done and the necessary changes. Then the last process is repeated until the result is obtained.

> If you deny fate and resist its blows and the prevailing unpleasant situations, thereby you deny God's justice, sent for your benefit.

> If you do not realize yourself as a spiritual being and do not take responsibility, then there can be no question of any karmic work.

Look at your life: how many troubles have already happened in it (even if it is short). Enemies appeared, loved ones or friends disappeared, money flowed away without promising to return, and so on. Remember all your frustrations and sorrows. Where did they come from? Have you wondered? The sages say that this is karma. Surely you have already heard such a categorical statement. And what is karma that explains any attack? Interesting?

Where did the "word" and concept come from?

It is impossible to understand what karma is until you decide on the worldview system,
who created it. And the ancient Indian philosophy gave this concept to the world. This school considered the existence of the planet and everything that is on it as a whole. That is, in a sense, any creature is the whole world and vice versa. Now this idea is present in the systems of many isoteric currents. It is the basis of their understanding of the world. Everyone is connected with the big universe. There is nothing that does not interact at the field level.

Only the ancient Indian sages were not yet familiar with energy in the sense that we are now investing in this concept. They believed that the actions, thoughts, intentions of a person are summed up, superimposed, counted and do not go anywhere. They give rise to the consequences that the person receives in the next incarnation. When asked what the law of karma is, they answered very simply. We have a proverb, the analogs of which exist among all peoples: "what you sow, so you reap." The meaning of the reasoning of the ancient Indian sages is simply impossible to convey more accurately and shorter. Any subject gets exactly what he managed to generate earlier. This applies not only to humans, but also to small and large communities educated by people.

Different types of karma

If we put aside the ancient Indian treatises and argue within the framework of modernity, then we should be based on energy-informational structures and fields. In this sense, it is easier to define what karma is. There is such a thing as the Akashic Chronicle. It is believed that this is a kind of "information bank" in which the past, present and future are recorded. Roughly like a gene that regulates the development of cells and whole organisms.

If we use this concept, then it turns out that karma represents responsibility for what was done by the soul (the field component of the personality) earlier. She created problems, built knots in the past, it was time to "untie" them. However, not only the personality has a field structure, but also the family, clan, community of people, and so on. Each of the large and small human associations has its own egregor. It is a collection of human fields that form a community. In the chronicles of Akasha, "his own protocol" is created for him. That is, not only the individual has karma, but also the community (any). For example, a person often has to answer not only for his own sins, but also for those committed by his family members, even nations need to cope with the wrong tendencies of the past that have influenced the course of history.

What is human karma

Probably, it is difficult for an ordinary person to operate with the concepts that philosophers explain this issue. That is why until now people have not figured out what karma is. Let's write down the main meaning of the phenomenon in simple terms. Take education, for example. Children go to school and acquire a certain set of knowledge there. It is fixed, that is, it is the same for everyone. Only some teachers listen and perform tasks, others prefer to soar in the clouds. Who has the higher score on the test? This is clear to everyone.

Now let's transfer this example to life. The Lord (the Universe, the Higher Forces and so on, depending on the value system) constantly sets tasks for us. The purpose of this is to give knowledge, understanding. Some listen to them attentively, argue with concentration, draw conclusions. Others brush it off. Still others prefer to fall into "great lamentation" for any reason. A person's reaction to the "tasks of the Lord" builds his karma. If you do everything thoughtfully, attentively, conscientiously, then the lesson has passed "by five". If you thought that it was not worth your efforts, then you will receive the "task" again, perhaps in a more serious version. And when you panic, you regret yourself, your beloved, you will hit the "deuce". Any thought, emotion, especially the action on the "task" is recorded, analyzed comprehensively and evaluated.

It turns out that the question "what is a person's karma" can be answered: character education. Judge for yourself: if any "task" will be thrown up until you can master it, then what is it? It is clear: it is a difficult road to correct mistakes in order to form a "correct" worldview. This is the path to understanding divine love for the world.

Karma of a person by date of birth

It is believed that we come to this world for a reason. Everything is important: the personality of the parents, the social and material situation of the family, the date of birth. This is due to the law of karma. It means that we are coming into the race that will most contribute to solving the problems that we have created in past incarnations. The family, for example, will "educate" us with relationships. What the parents put in will, in any case, influence the rest of their lives. In addition, there is an astrological aspect of this issue. It is known that the stars can more or less correctly calculate the main events that a person will encounter. In principle, the reliability of the conclusions of astrologers is quite high (not referring to general horoscopes).

This information contains both positive and negative aspects. It turns out that a person's karma by date of birth is determined by special methods (one of them is astrology). The only thing that causes irritation and criticism from the “unbelievers” is the lack of specific information. That is, you can understand that in this incarnation you will have to solve the issue of relationships or self-realization. And a person will have to disassemble and comprehend the nuances on their own.

Is it possible to work with karma

Anyone who begins to deal with the issue, to get acquainted with the concepts, often falls into despondency. Well, here's how to clear a person's karma, if everything is written down in some unknown "chronicles" (or somewhere else, depends on the chosen system of concepts)? Do not cut down, as they say, with an ax, do not burn out with fire. It's time to hang up, and not to enjoy life, this is sometimes said by astrologers or other "researchers". You shouldn't react like that. Once you are faced with "grandiose tasks", it means that you have enough strength. It's just that a person sometimes does not realize them.

In fact, karma is what the spirit has chosen for itself. And we, to a certain extent, do not associate ourselves with him. This is the reason for the upbringing. Not in what is given by the parents, but in general. After all, humanity, at certain periods of its development, creates standard images that are perceived by each person. At the moment (the last few centuries) thoughts about "little people" are being introduced. That is, every person is weak-willed and dependent. Where can we get the forces to solve the "grandiose tasks" that the soul itself sets before itself? This, by the way, is an element of universal human karma. Everyone is obliged to pass this test and realize themselves as a free person, equal to God. Someone realizes this and tries to cope, others leave it “for later”, without even starting to make a decision.

How to work with karma

This is perhaps the most discussed issue in certain circles at the moment. In fact, his correct decision will open the way to building a different civilization. If a general recipe is developed for how to correct a person's karma, this will mean the creation of another personality, almost divine. You see, the whole point of this phenomenon is in regulating the development of the soul. That is, thoughts (action, intention) are "governed" by the mechanism of its comparison with a certain standard. If you understand how it works, the process itself will become completely unnecessary. This is probably why the topic of "Human Karma and the Path of Liberation" is thorny and confusing. Nevertheless, some of the fog clears through experience and error.

The first thing you need to know is how to know a person's karma. A rather serious tool for this is astrology, as already mentioned. But not only her. There are many techniques that provide an opportunity to work on this problem. For example, lucid dreaming, hypnosis sessions. They all have an equal chance of getting the correct results. There is only one criterion: a change in life circumstances in a positive direction. It is not so important to know exactly why we were given the disease, but how to effectively and quickly get rid of it is what you want in the first place.

View from the outside

Most often, a person who is wondering how to change a person's karma means something completely different. I would like to get rid of those "problems" that are caused by its existence. Do you understand the difference between solving problems and getting rid of adversity?

For example, imagine a person who has a congenital heart defect, karmically conditioned. Doctors cannot help. We need to look for another way. He understands that he is within the framework of the law of karma. Looking for ways to purify. So, success depends on the approach. If he begins to rummage through the "history" of the incarnation, trying to find and correct the mistake, he may not live to see a happy ending. And if he accepts and “processes” the problem with his soul, then one can expect “another miracle”, of which there are many happening on the planet.

Cleansing a person's karma depends on the ability to take full responsibility for its existence. Do not shift it to other forces (God, the Universe, laws, and so on). It is recommended to stop, get distracted and "look from the outside" at what is happening. And then realize that we have created all this ourselves! Moreover, when coming up with a problem, they have already laid down a solution to it. Just forgotten. Now you have to remember or find again. With this approach, the question "is it possible to change a person's karma" will seem frivolous, childish.

Laughter is a gift from God

Do you know what our common problem is, at least in connection with the realization of the existence of karma? In fear. When we start thinking about its mechanisms, delving into theories, we get scared. And this, do not be surprised, is a karmic sin, which further increases the burden of her pressure. Knowledge provided in part, that is, bare facts, without explanation leads to winding up problems, and not to solving them.

But the ancient Indian philosophers warned about this. They talked about karma in a holistic way. That is, they not only considered its mechanism, but also talked about the possibilities of working with it. And the first thing they thought it was necessary to do was to believe in the Higher Forces! Once a task is given, then methods of overcoming it are attached to it. There is no other option. And we see in karma only "trouble", "problem" or something else of the same negative. But in fact, this is a kind of game, like in childhood.

For a two-year-old kid, for example, a Lego constructor may also seem like karma until he learns to cope with it. Why, being able to face the unknown with pleasure in childhood, do we lose this ability when we grow up? Remember how fun and joyful any challenge was! Now they just become more complex due to the fact that the personality has increased in scale. And the meaning remains the same. The Lord gave us the tool that helps in any situation. Namely a sense of humor. It is literally a magic wand for working with karma.


There are few people in the world who have not had to deal with betrayal to one degree or another. Relationships are the most important element in the development of the soul. Therefore, practically everyone has problems in this regard. Think, is it really necessary to know in what life and in what century you offended your partner in order to correct the situation in this incarnation? Is there an easier way to deal with karma?

For example, take a current like simoron. This is a wonderful, super emotional and positive school. They come up with rituals, the main "driving" force of which is humor. And, it should be noted, it works great. Let's go back to karmic relationships. If you are betrayed, then look at your opponent from the point of view of God. He did what you asked him to do. The karmic knot that was once tied brought this person into your life with a specific task. He did what needs to be done to make you happy (although it may look different). But betrayal has many consequences.

First, you grow as you learn to deal with emotions. Second, you increase your wisdom when you forgive. Third, you find love when you begin to understand the higher plane of the events that have taken place. In fact, karmic knots and problems are gifts to a thinking person. With their assistance, he gains strength, confidence and unthinkable, kind wisdom.

Rod and his karma

It is believed that in our time, events are accelerating. That is, if earlier descendants were responsible for the sins of parents, they even said that up to the seventh generation, now everything is going at an accelerated pace. Having tied the knot, we solve it in this life, not leaving it to those who come after us. Nevertheless, you need to know what generic karma is in order to understand the issue thoroughly. The fact is that we are born in a family whose members have tasks similar to ours. That is, the topic of a person's karma is related to that of relatives.

For example, consider a family in which women lose their husbands. One had complaints about men, so they left her. She has a daughter who previously hated the stronger sex. Naturally, the sons of Adam feel it and run from her "faster than a doe." But one did not have time, and her daughter is born, who in a past life considered herself a "goddess". In this incarnation, she will be "treated" with humiliation and loneliness. In general, each woman in the chain has different problems, but similar in meaning. So we got generic karma. A personality comes to solve a problem that the ancestors did not cope with. In this example, this is a negative relationship between the sexes.

Karma of humanity

Consider an example too. Let's take a close one - Ukraine. A huge nation suffers for no apparent objective reason. What's the matter? After all, the situation has led to the emergence of such hatred that people are dying. The people also have a common karma. It is not necessary for everyone. Only for those who associate themselves with this population group. Some argue that Ukrainians at a certain time began to consider themselves an exclusive nation. It is a sin. Some ardently defended this topic, others silently agreed, and still others did not resist. And one trouble came to all.

In principle, it is quite understandable that this concerns not only Ukrainians. Something like this happens with every nation. Only there are mature communities that independently cope with such troubles, others succumb to their influence, thereby burdening karma. It's not just that wars arise. Historical reasons are one-sided explanations. There are also karmic ones. If the people reject divine laws, do not realize their task in the aggregate, then they will have to answer.

By the way, the same applies to all of humanity. We can say that the most terrible problems for him will begin when the darkness outweighs the light in people. As long as the majority of the population is drawn to goodness, there will be no apocalypse, no matter what they say about it. So we came to the conclusion, quite transparent: it depends on each person how long and happily the entire planet will develop. You work with your karma - you save this mortal planet from misfortunes.

Oriental philosophy is considered to be the ancestor of the emergence of this view. It is reflected in various religions and has an important meaning. If you translate this word, then you can determine what is human karma: result, outcome, coincidence. Accordingly, this is the result of our actions, whether they are conscious or unaccountable.

What is a person's karma how to find it out

Any effort you make has an impact on the world around you. Under their influence, space reacts accordingly. At the same time, do not forget about the possibility of delaying the return message.

Karma and boomerang

  • Most likely, the Universe accumulates all the negative in a kind of container, when overflowing, the whole mechanism starts.
  • You should not rejoice in advance that you went unpunished for your bad deeds. Everything will happen in the future, or it will be passed on to your descendants.
  • Your unconscious actions or complete inaction will not exclude possible liability.

This means that this is why one should understand the principles of purifying karma and the nature of one's own actions.

Karma and religion

Religion Concept description
Hinduism Representatives of this religion attach great importance to the influence of karma on a person's life.
  • They are sure that any of us occupies the position in life that he deserves and bears full responsibility for it.
  • Therefore, it is extremely important to comprehend any of your maneuvers, assuming that it will have an important impact on Destiny.

The influence of karma on actions from a past life

  • Followers of this teaching note that a person's rebirth will occur until he realizes what he has done negatively in life and completely fulfills his karmic messages.
  • The specific act will be taken into account and taken into account when correcting the fateful influence.
  • Accordingly, it is possible to change the environment for the better, and the effects of fate are not so fatal.
  • Therefore, Hindus take karma as the basis for spiritual development and personality formation.
Buddhism Internal thoughts have become the main source of the origin of karma in this religious direction.

His followers adhere to the position that karma is a kind of energy with special power.

How to improve karma in Feng Shui

The subtle body of a person tends to react to our desires to harm others.

  • And by thinking for good, we are able to improve karma.
  • Hence, meditations aimed at controlling one's own thoughts and excluding the negative manifestation of emotions.
  • The adherents of Buddhism are sure that, having worked out our own karma, we can leave the circle of reincarnation and will not appear in bodily incarnation. However, the likelihood of returning as a teacher remains.

It is interesting to know how religion relates to:

What is human karma and how does it manifest

Any person should take into account that he will necessarily reap the fruits of the words that have flown out of his mouth or the actions he has performed in the past. And the specific moment is ideal for preparing the favorable ground for future karma.

  • We should not expect that the consequences of what we have done today will overtake us tomorrow. This can happen even after several years.
  • Based on this, we are unable to analyze the relationship between events. At a particular moment, it may seem to us that everything that happened to us is completely accidental.

Karma and the mechanism of its embodiment

  • Karma never manipulates the case, does not present surprises and cannot be guided by a favorable combination of circumstances.
  • The whole world is ruled by the well-known Law of Justice.
  • There is always a reason behind what is happening.
  • Moreover, absolutely all actions, both favorable and unfavorable, are subject to the Laws of Karma.
  • Negative actions will return in the form of problems, illnesses, or emotional distress.
  • And the karma of a person by date of birth, shrouded in light and kind, will predetermine a successful life, full of health and love.
  • It is worth thinking about how the mechanisms that drive our Destiny work, and be more circumspect and coordinate our own behavior.

How to improve karma

We all came to this world in order to learn new things and improve ourselves. Each of us lives according to an individual scenario, delving into the many lessons taught by Fate. Yes, and everyone has their own level of emotional development, but everyone is united by a single goal - internal transformation. And knowledge of karmic laws presupposes obtaining opportunities for improving the soul and raising it to its new stage of development. Throughout life, we experience, feel and experience emotions. This happens until each of us feels like a part of a single Universe.

Karma and its types

View Description
Manifested Such karma means all the events that happen to us at the current moment of our life.

These include:

  • material wealth,
  • environment,
  • place of residence,
  • physical shell.

It is almost impossible to change it, so you have to endure it almost all your life.

Unmanifest However, not all grains, thrown by us into the fertile soil of karmic influence, can immediately germinate and bear fruit.
  • Numerous tasks for which an answer has not been found, and lessons that have not been completed in a timely manner by a person can wait in the wings.
  • Until then, they are located in our karmic form, you have the opportunity to influence this type of karma. However, for this it is necessary to reach the highest level of self-awareness in order to learn to control one's own actions and correct inaccuracies.
  • Remember that healers cannot rid us of the negative effects of karma. That soul is capable of this, which predetermined such a course of events.

How to attract good luck and luck into your life

Success and luck accompanying a person are formed under the influence of positive karmic circumstances, and trouble always comes after committed negative transgressions. In addition, external circumstances play an important role in the formation of karma.

The conditions of occurrence that create a positive or negative hanging over us are most often the following:

  • the social environment in which we find ourselves;
  • the people around us;
  • the date of the event, including the specific time;
  • internal driving forces;
  • emotional impulse;
  • heredity (generic, national or other predisposition);
  • uncontrollable actions.

Thus, as a result, certain causal events are formed that predict how karma affects a person's fate.

And only their combination can improve or worsen the state of affairs.

Read more about the Laws of Luck and Luck:

Karma kind of manifestation features

The actions of our ancestors are clearly reflected in our real life. In the same way, like our deeds, they will definitely play an important role in the formation of the karma of our descendants. Most often, the prerequisites for the fate of residents of a particular clan affect health.

Why is there a curse on the family

Excellent heredity will indicate auspicious karma. And, if a disabled or mentally handicapped child is born in a family clan, then this speaks of a difficult generic retribution. In addition, material wealth also depends on the righteous or sinful actions of our great-grandfathers.

The above prerequisites are attributed to open manifestations, but there are still hidden ones. The main ones are the following:

  • low vital reserves;
  • persistent problems;
  • obstacles in obtaining information and so on.

As you know, the soul itself looks for a location for its birth and chooses its parents. It is at the moment of conception that the acquisition of generic karma occurs. The soul is unrestrainedly drawn to the place where it will best embody the accumulated negative. And it is quite difficult to throw off the burden passed on to us by our ancestors.

Vaz will be interested in whether you remember yourself from birth:

Is it possible to change your karma

Souls wandering in endless streams of reincarnation collect a lot of dirt and debris in their karmic guise. These are quarrels and fights, unpaid debts, unfulfilled obligations and other misconduct. And the karma of a person by date of birth reacts quickly enough to phrases and deeds of which we are ashamed in the future. And this heavy burden later crumbles into rubbish, turning into physical disabilities, shocks and emotional disorders, lack of money and obstacles.

How to clear karma yourself at home

Ways to purify karma

  • A person cannot escape the responsibility assigned to him until he understands where he made a mistake.
  • And the best way to figure out your own wrong is to probe the situation from the inside.
  • Hence, the grief and sorrow, the hopeless situation and suffering that people face, making every possible attempt to pass the impenetrable wall of difficulties and problems.

And you will have this state of affairs until the moment when the soul that has taken possession of you understands all the mistakes that were made.

How to get rid of negativity

At the same time, a person will have to completely correct himself and switch to the path of spiritual self-development and improvement. In addition, we should abandon the weaknesses and negative character traits that drive us, try to love others and begin to perform actions for the good, and not for the sake of personal needs.

Then you will have the opportunity to clear your own karma. A person will become invulnerable to various manifestations of evil only when he learns to show only the best qualities and eliminate weaknesses and imperfections.

Clearing karma on your own

Complete cleansing of karma will occur with sufficiently active work on one's own personality during all reincarnations. The veil of all secrets is slightly opened to those who own esoteric practices. But this knowledge, unfortunately, is not subject to everyone. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish between really useful information and quackery.

What do clairvoyants offer

Nowadays, deceivers posing as "spiritual mentors" promise instant cleansing of karmic effects after magic mantras or rituals of burning negativity. Such a ceremony is not cheap, but the final result does not give the expected effect.

  • Remember that your multiple sins and harm done to other people cannot be destroyed by simply reading a prayer during the ceremony.

How to cleanse karma from negativity

You will need inner strength to change emotionally as you learn to have compassion for the inhabitants of our planet Earth.

Change handling levels

When determining how to cleanse karma on your own at home, prepare yourself for the fact that you will need certain knowledge in esotericism. And as a start, learn to be aware of your sins and reform your own subconscious mind into a positive attitude. Plus, you need patience and a lot of dedication. It will be better if you find a good spiritual teacher.

It is known that working with possible changes in your destiny should be carried out in several directions.

The following can be proposed as the main levels.

Self-cleansing of karmic debt

Your main task should be a comprehensive study of all your positive sides, after which your actions will take place under the guidance of exceptionally good qualities.

Each further ascent up the steps on the ladder of the spiritual level will become much faster and more elementary. Studying the practices of purification will help you completely get rid of the negative influence of the Forces of the Universe.

What is a person's karma and how to cleanse your karmic debt, it is given to each of you to learn without visiting special magical practices. Just live according to the Laws of the Universe, be in harmony with your thoughts and actions. And as a result, neither your karma, nor its inheritance and transfer to your children will never bear negative negativity.

For those interested, learn more about your purpose in life.


What is Karma (Law of Karma)

Karma is the universal law of causation, which is that all human actions affect his real life. And the one that awaits him after.

What is KARMA - meaning, definition in simple words.

The very word “ karma"Came from, and is translated something like this: effect of fate, act of will, action or retribution.

Karma and reincarnation.

In religions that assume the existence of reincarnation, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, the concept of karma is dominant. The idea that all the actions they take can negatively or positively affect the present or future life, makes believers more responsible for the actions they take.

For example, if a person has accumulated a huge amount of bad karma over several lifetimes, then in this, according to this law, he will experience suffering similar to those that he himself caused. Karma also affects the form of reincarnation. If a person has a positive karmic history, then he can be reborn into a higher form of life, whatever that means. If, however, a person has a large supply of negative karma, he will be reborn in the guise of any of the lower forms, for example, a cockroach, or a pig.

It should be understood that the law of karma does not praise good or condemn evil. He is completely impartial. It simply regulates what people themselves do with their lives.