What needs to happen for this. Walking in circles or why some situations repeat with us

Therefore, I tell you: relax. What should happen will happen. What should not happen will not happen, and you cannot do anything here. Although your mind may answer, "I can do it." I'm talking about what will happen, what should happen. You should have come today, and you have come.

- All the same, there is an idea of ​​what needs to be thought and decided, and then something will happen.

The mind wants to justify its necessity. How he does it? There is a reality in which something happens. The conditioned mind imposes on what is happening its assessments, opinions, beliefs, beliefs ... And each fragment of your conditioned mind wants to assert itself, to prove its importance and necessity. You may have heard of this way of making money. An applicant comes to the university to enroll. An important person comes up to him and says: "You want to do it, okay, I'll arrange it for you, and I will take the money only after you do it." The applicant takes exams in the same way as everyone else. Let's say he managed to get the required passing score. Then an important person appears again and says: “Hello. I had to do so much to get you accepted, now pay the amount we talked about. "

You see, he didn't do anything at all, but he got the money. Great business, win-win. If you didn’t pass it, then you didn’t pass it, and if you didn’t pass it, then pay. Who will check? It's kept secret. Now, the conditioned mind works the same way. Everything happens as it happens. But the mind wants to make its own profit. To do this, he needs to be shown what is happening due to his intervention and efforts. Thus, he obscures a clear vision of what is happening. When I say that what is going to happen will actually happen to you, I nullify the need for the efforts of the mind. What is going to happen to you is happening, and the mind has nothing to do with it. It only rattles, makes noise, yells, evaluates, and so on.

- Then why is the mind given to us by nature? If everything happens without his participation, why is he needed then?

You keep your tendency very clearly. This is neither bad nor good, I am just pointing it out. Now you are very involved in your question. The main thing is to see the tendency of your mind. If you are fully involved in your questions and answers, you will not be able to see it. My answer is not important, it is important that you see your trend.

But, if the question is asked, I will give you the answer. In fact, we have already talked about this. My answer - these are also some ideas, but if you get to the very essence, then, perhaps, you will understand something important. Everything is One Consciousness. For some reason, it decided to prove itself. This is how the phenomenal world appeared, which we see with the help of our physical senses. However, it is simply one of the manifestations of the One Awareness. There is something outside of energy, matter, time and space. This is the One Consciousness, conscious of itself, capable of creating and managing all the components of Being, including the material Universe. Each of us is actually a conscious consciousness, capable of managing energy in various forms, including the most dense, that is, physical matter, as well as time and space. We use the body-mind as an apparatus that allows us to be and act in the physical world. The body - the mind is a wonderful mechanism, but, for a number of reasons, for the vast majority of people it is in a mismatched and malfunctioning state. You can only master its potential by studying and understanding the principles of its work. This is what we are doing in our School.

In particular, in the mind itself, one can distinguish the working and evaluating mind. For example, I am releasing a book. To do this, I must be able to write, formulate thoughts, that is, have certain skills. These are all functions of the working mind. When I do something using a “working” mind, I have no doubts. I just do it and that's it. But there is a “worrying, evaluating” mind. I will still do what I am doing, but when the “evaluating” mind turns on, it introduces a huge confusion into everything that is done, takes a lot of energy and gives nothing in return. It is precisely the “worrying and evaluating” mind that is superfluous. It is he who creates all the problems. Everything that we are talking about now and will talk about as problems is the product of the "worrying and evaluating" mind.

- And what about a working mind?

A working mind is essential for work done in the physical world. It is simply doing its job without pretending to be in charge, while the “worried and evaluating” mind wants to prove all the time that it is in charge. Its nature must be seen.

- It means that my working mind fell asleep. Why?

Why are you so worried? As long as you worry, your problem will persist. Do you understand what I'm talking about, can you hear me? You nod that you hear, but is that true? If you hear me, you will stop asking such questions. You will enjoy being here, and you will not suffer, all the time thinking: "Why am I sleeping, and why others are not sleeping?"

- I do not think so. I have a lot of problems.

Try to see your problems as some kind of games that you are playing. Decide which ones you want to continue and which ones you want to keep.

- But I don’t want to give up anything.

Now your cunning, conditioned mind is talking to me, which wants to keep all its problems, not get rid of them. I can see and feel it very well. You can cheat with yourself, but it won't work with me. I already told you that you can instantly solve any of your problems, but as long as you are not interested in it, you will continue to involve everyone, including me, in continuing to play in the problem created by your mind. You will be asking me the same question to keep the energy of your problem alive.

It's like a thief disguised as a policeman will talk to me about how nice it would be to arrest the thief. The thief covered himself with the uniform of a policeman and begins to discuss with me the problem of how to put the thief, but I can clearly see that behind this police uniform is the very thief. And that he is not at all interested in putting himself in jail, and is conducting all these conversations only so that they do not find him, so that they believe that he is really a policeman. So that no one looks for him where he is now. Maybe you will be able to convince someone of this, but not me.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a cycle of repetitive situations. It seems to us that this is something from the realm of the "abnormal". After all, why, say, a person to live similar scenarios of relationships? Life is short anyway, but in our hearts we always want to get new experience. Who will enjoy walking in circles of the same feelings all the time? But we often catch ourselves thinking of such a déjà vu: someone is constantly getting to know representatives of a particular nationality, without wanting to, someone can’t establish long-term relationships, someone constantly meets those who bring only disappointments ... Is there a connection in these repetitions? There is.

Israeli psychologist and clairvoyant Goldie believes that "the purpose of our life is to work out our complexes, fears and karma." Thus, certain (important) events will be repeated until we learn from them. After all, many of us do not know how to forgive, and this must be done, others are disappointed, instead of continuing to believe. So life is trying to "teach" us in its own way to forgive, accept, believe, love ... And to learn this means to forget everything that you knew about this issue.

In linguistics, "a repetitive action in the past" is called habit... And from the point of view of metaphysics, this turns out to be quite fair. Getting rid of the habit of attracting, for example, only significantly older partners, turns out to be akin to forgetting about relationships altogether. We like to call it “destiny”, forgetting that fate just adheres to the point of view that we can go our way with any person; the main thing, at the same time, is to fulfill your karmic task on Earth.

“What is to be done by a person who has not met his soul mate? Continue looking for her? You need to focus your efforts not on finding a kindred half, but go deep into yourself, turn to your source, where we are all one and there, in this depth, find agreement and attraction with almost any half you meet!
With someone, attraction will come at the first glance at each other, with someone contact will come at a greater depth, and with someone you need to eat a pound of salt and go to the very foundation - to touch souls! One must always remember that unity can always be found, only this can happen at different depths of Essence.
Thus, with the deepest revelation of love, one can come to the same agreement with many as with a half, and do the same great deeds. But this requires great work on yourself. And on Earth it is possible! ( Anatoly Nekrasov "Halves»).

The thought is not very close to me Nekrasov that we can be happy with any person. I believe that we are happy with someone with whom our views on the world coincide. During consultations, Goldie advises people to close the so-called "karmic relationship", i.e. those relationships that stretch from past lives. In real life, they are expressed by disharmony, misunderstanding, regular parting and reconciliation. Therefore, the clairvoyant advises to forgive and let go of the partner, because he is not the same “half”. “The purpose of a relationship is to help each other develop,” writes Goldie... "Such relationships bring joy, lightness and mutual understanding."

At the same time, Nekrasov expressed a very interesting point of view that they are not looking for halves outside. According to him, life is a large copier that reflects what is in a person. This means that it is necessary to look for a half in oneself: giving the world the best that is in a person, he attracts the corresponding:

“Searching along the“ horizon ”begins when a person ceases to engage in movement inward. Most often, when a person stops working on himself and on his relationships, he begins to move along the "easier" path - the search for a more suitable half in his environment. In this case, it is almost impossible to find a half. The world in every possible way takes a person away from his half, creates many difficulties in relations with the opposite sex, again and again pushing a person to disclosure of their best qualities, to the manifestation of more and more love». ( Anatoly Nekrasov "Halves»).

The author of the book "Soulmates and Twin Flames" also speaks about the search for integrity. Elizabeth Claire Prophet... She gives an example when we demand from the present some radical changes. But such a need says only one thing: "we are not in harmony with ourselves" and "now I do not have what I want":

If we do not understand sublimation or "elevation", we do not want to become more "ethereal", if we remain creatures woven from desires and demands - "I want what I want, and I want it now, and it must happen now" - then agree to a lower standard in our life. And we actually do not have enough strength to attract to ourselves what really is the fulfillment of the Divine meeting, as well as the Divine plan for this incarnation.
So it's okay to acknowledge needs. But remember, any need is also a lack of integrity, and a lack of integrity makes you incomplete. When you are incomplete, you do not focus on the Divine magnet of wholeness, which can attract to you exactly the thing that you need to become whole. (Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Soul Mates and Twin Flames)

We come to this world to learn how to be happy. To go your own way and help develop the path of the closest person. If at some point in life we ​​catch ourselves thinking that we are caught in a cycle of repetitive situations where only the main character is replaced, then this is an occasion to think about whether we have learned a lesson from this situation and what we want to change in the next one (if we want , certainly!). And if we encounter a “wrong” partner that we want to see next to us all our life, then the question is, what are we in a given period of time, what are we filled with, what emotions? Well, if you have met your soul mate, then it is safe to say that your world is harmonious and complete. But it is important to remember that life is development. And every day of life is a new step towards oneself.

Anastasia Skorina

Help answer the questions, please, if you don’t know, skip, answer what you know for sure! Please !! 1

Are the following judgments correct?
A) The concepts "personality" and "individuality" mean the same thing.
B) Without society, a person cannot become a person.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) A and B are correct
4) both judgments are wrong.
- Choose all the correct answers.
Knowledge of the world includes:
1) knowledge of the laws of nature
2) passion for music
3) observing the weather
4) self-knowledge
5) study of sciences
6) the study of social events and phenomena
3. Activities are:
1) game
2) study
3) sunrise
4) labor
5) collecting honey by bees
6) volcanic eruption
1. What is superfluous in the row? Underline the extra word and explain why you decided so.
Food, relaxation, beauty, heat balance, safety.
5. The social needs of a person include:
1) the need for sleep, rest
2) the need for respect, recognition
3) the need for clothing, housing
4) the need for clean air and water
v. In the list below, all but one of the words refer to interpersonal relationships. Find and indicate a term that is not related to the concept of "interpersonal relations".
Mutual assistance, friendship, friendship, interaction, sympathy, citizenship.
T. Small groups include:
1) a group of friends
2) class students
3) young Russians
4) readers of the magazine "Ogonyok"
8. What quality helps to communicate with other people?
1) antipathy
2) alertness
3) empathy
4) arrogance
D. Establish a correspondence between the methods of behavior in a conflict situation and the nature of the conflict resolution: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding positions from the second

(G. Nizami)
1 I. Mark with a "+" the correct judgments.
1. Good is the absence of evil
2. Good is an act aimed at personal good
3. Good is what is beneficial to you at the moment
4. Good is an act for the benefit of people
5. Good - following the golden rule of morality

12. Choose the right judgment.
A) Fear is a harmful feeling, because it prevents a person from performing worthy deeds.
B) Fear never prevents a person from acting according to his conscience.
1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are true
4) both judgments are wrong
13. Make a plan for answering the question "What are virtues?"


help please answer the questions:

1. What role do sensations play in cognition?
2 What is perception, how is it related to sensations?
3. How is truth different from plausible knowledge?
4. How does the knowledge of nature differ from the knowledge of society?
5. Describe the features of the main types of cognition
6. What is the role of language in the process of human cognition of the world?
7. from which the "image of I" is composed
8. How can you improve self-esteem? What value does it have in a person's life?

Answer the main question We are looking for the answer to the main question. Do you remember what is our main question? In this chapter, we find out what a family is. You have purchased new

knowledge about the family and, therefore, you can supplement your answer to the main question

PLEASE HELP TO ANSWER QUESTIONS !!! Moral life and pleasure

MA Antonovich (1835-1918) - Russian philosopher Unfortunately, such lofty words as "life", "pleasantness", "pleasure" are completely vulgarized by their reinterpretations and their abuse. A good life is usually understood as luxury, the opportunity not to be ashamed of the most absurd desires; pleasures mean revelry, gluttony, drunkenness, voluptuousness, etc.; all this together is called "the blessings of life" ... Such a good life is opposed to an unpleasant moral and reasonable life, far from pleasures, full of hardships, self-denial, and the whole component of violence to nature; therefore it is not life, but a burden, a punishment. It is usually assumed that for every good and honest deed, in general for virtue, a person must force himself, break himself, overpower ...
Could there be anything more unnatural than this view and more offensive to human nature? .. No, virtue is life, one of the needs and aspects of life; it has a foundation in the very nature of man. If a person strives for rational virtue1, then in order to make his life fuller, more pleasant, richer in pleasures, in a word, more natural.
Antonovich M.A. The unity of physical and moral space // World of Philosophy.- Part 2.-M., 1991.- P. 41-43.

Questions and tasks: I. Why does the author consider it unnatural and offensive to look at moral life as a burden and punishment, as if it contradicts human nature (that is, the essence of man)? 2. It is known that the concept of the "good life" described by the author has always been extremely widespread. What do you think people who hold this point of view are depriving themselves of? 3. Using the content of the passage, explain the statement: "A person who is satisfied with life just because he himself lives well is a nonentity." 4. How do you understand the author's assertion that a moral life should be rewarding?

Have you ever wondered why certain events happen to you? And some more than once! Why Are we caught in a cycle of recurring events? Does it depend on ourselves or is it fate?

You got the new job you dreamed of. Full of enthusiasm, ideas. It seems to you that you have finally found your place for a long, long time, but ... At some point you want to give up everything and leave. What are you doing. Time passes, you find a new job. Everything is going great, you think: “Well, this is definitely mine. This is what I dreamed about. " Life is filled with meaning. You are happy to fly to work in the morning, you are ready to move mountains ... and after a while you leave again. And this situation is repeated more than once or twice. You understand that you are going in circles.

Or in relationships with men. You only meet men of the same type. Although you cannot say that this is your type of man. And you see that this man is basically the same as the previous one, but you are building a relationship with him again. And then you reproach yourself for "stepping on the same rake."

Familiar situations? Yes, and I didn't get them out of my head. The first happens cyclically with my friend, and the second - with me.

And how many stories about women who marry alcoholics several times? Or people who are always in debt: and only after paying off the last debt, they again get into an even greater one. Or girls who are always betrayed by guys. Yes, you can remember a lot of such stories.

And if you look at your life? Surely, if you think about it, you, too, are haunted by certain situations and problems that repeat from year to year, from relationship to relationship.

Have you ever wondered if there is a connection in these repetitions?

I - no, until once again I stepped on my rake. It was then that this question came to me. Why does everything happen this way? Why can't I get off this track? With this question, I went to the Internet. There I found a lot of information on this issue and a lot of explanations for such events. So…

Why is this happening?


You can, of course, explain everything with such a widespread explanation. Like, this is my fate. This is how I will run in circles all my life. I can’t change something here. You have to put up with it and continue to "carry your cross."

Fate? Maybe. Nobody argues, but why did you get such a fate? This is the question.

This is how the circumstances developed

And immediately the question is: Why do they develop exactly like this and exactly with you? Yes, and with such an enviable constancy. Of course, many things can be explained this way. But just think how many events (circumstances) must develop in a certain way so that you, for example, find yourself in a certain place at a certain time. And such circumstances should develop at least not for you alone!

But here again the question is: what brought you to this place?

Your choice

"How can I choose what I don't want?" - you will ask right away. That's how.

Every day you are faced with a bunch of questions that require a choice. Maybe insignificant, but still .. From what decision you make in a certain situation - your future life can somehow develop. Do you think that some small decision cannot affect life in general? I dare to assure you - it can!

If you imagine your life as a cobweb, in which each separate thread is an option of where to go, then every decision you make, even a small one, leads you in a certain direction. In fact, the web of human life is very extensive.

And depending on our choice - we can appear in some specific places. But we appear in a given place and a given situation! I wonder why?

Life teaches a lesson

Israeli psychologist and psychologist Goldie believes that the goal of our life is to work out our complexes, fears and karma... Problematic and unpleasant situations will repeat in your life until you learn the lesson. At the same time, the situation will worsen with each time, if nothing is changed.

That is, certain events occur in our life in order to teach us something.

Originally from childhood

“All the most important things are laid down in childhood,” any psychologist will tell you. And there is a lot of truth in this position. Indeed, much in the character and fate of a person depends on the events and experiences of his childhood. A child is born in a certain family, with certain foundations and relationships within the family. And growing up, he unconsciously begins to remember what should be between mom and dad, with other people, attitude to work, health, some principles.

Remember how children play. How they talk to dolls, what situations they play. If you watch a child's play, you can see your family and yourself from the outside, through the eyes of a child.

So these very recurring events can be firmly connected with our childhood. At some point, the brain decided that everything should be just like that. And since then, our actions are "programmed" to create just such situations. Can I change this and reload my program? Of course yes. It is important to understand yourself, identify it and change.

Life is a reflection of you

Anatoly Nekrasov - psychologist, philosopher, leading specialist in the field of family and interpersonal relations has his own point of view on recurring events.

According to him, life is a photocopier that reflects everything that is in a person ... This means that you need to look for the reasons in yourself. A person attracts into his life what is inside him.

Here is one of the quotes from his book:

“Searching along the“ horizon ”begins when a person ceases to engage in movement inward. Most often, when a person stops working on himself and on his relationships, he begins to move along the "easier" path - the search for a more suitable half in his environment. In this case, it is almost impossible to find a half. The world in every possible way takes a person away from his half, creates many difficulties in relations with the opposite sex pushing the person towards disclosure of their best qualities, to the manifestation of more and more love ". (Anatoly Nekrasov "Halves").

Is it possible to get out of the vicious circle and go to the next level?

As a rule, a person realizes his problems when they have already reached incredible proportions. Or when the situation has repeated itself a very large number of times. Why is that? We live most of our lives unconsciously. That is, in order to understand and realize the problem, it is necessary that this problem “hit” you on the head with incredible force. When it seems that life is destroyed and nothing can be changed. Many continue to live like this. Complaining about fate and seeing no way out.

But there are a few people who begin to delve into themselves. And look for answers to the question: Why is everything happening this way? Why is this happening to me? Can I change something? If so, what to do.

Again, many stop at this stage of the questions. Or, having found a bunch of useful information on the Internet, they begin to implement everything in their life.

It is possible to break this vicious circle. In the language of psychology, fate is called a life scenario. All events occurring in your life, attitudes, beliefs, fears, habits - forms our life's web. And having understood what is behind certain situations, by changing it inside yourself, you can change your own life.

I will not describe to you any methods or technologies read from the Internet. Or tell "the only correct decision." It is not in my competence. The fact that you are reading this article already suggests that you have started looking for ways to change yourself and your life.

Changes are not safe!

Every change paves the way for other changes.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Many people are worried about the question: “How will my changes affect others? And will the people around me change? " The answer will be: "100% yes, they will change." But how they will change is the second question.

As a justification for my answer, I will cite the experience of one of my acquaintances. She had a very difficult relationship with her mother since childhood. And as she says, her mother inflicted on her all the psychological trauma that could have been inflicted on the child. When this woman became interested in psychology and began to change her life and herself, her relationship with her mother also changed. Cardinally. And she explains it all by quantum physics.

Yes, physics. According to the laws of quantum physics, if two particles were in contact for at least one instant, then they hold this information. And if you change one particle, the other changes, which has information about it. This law of physics can explain a lot in our life, but we are not talking about "much" now.

So, there is a connection with our parents, loved ones, husbands. Accordingly, our changes will sooner or later be reflected in our environment.

You can learn more about the work of our brain and how it creates certain situations in our life from the intensives of Dina Gumerova. The information it gives is unique and interesting, which, moreover, will help you make your life easier and more enjoyable. You can find a link to Dina's courses in the article

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What should happen will happen - in due time. You just need to have patience and determination. You need to “build the present” day after day in order to get opportunities in the future and achieve the desired goal.

Several things follow from the phrase that we have titled the article. The first is that forcing events, striving to achieve something ahead of time does not always lead to good results.

Secondly, we must learn to accept the fact that life has its cycles, their favorable (for something) moments. No one, for example, can hope to find a wonderful match for himself, if before that he has not learned to love himself.

Therefore, it is normal when we, going through these phases of self-knowledge, unsuccessful relationships, gradually approach the person who will be for us.

Growing up means learning and above all be open to everyone opportunities that are provided to us... We invite you to reflect on this.

Everything has its favorable moments, and each such moment gives opportunities

Often times, when you least expect it, everything is going well. And it's not about the famous "law of attraction". In most cases, it is not enough to want it strongly for something to happen.

Usually, something good is happening because the moment is right and, most importantly, because we created all the conditions so that at this moment we could take advantage of the fruits of our efforts.

The magic of opportunity

The magic is to be able to see the opportunity that opens before us at a certain moment. It needs to be intuitively understood and appreciated.

  • Let's give an example. We learn a profession, spend a lot of time, acquire knowledge and skills.
  • And now vacancies appear on the labor market. This is something innovative and, at the same time, close to our specialty, to our education. But we are scared to try ourselves in a new field, because we do not know if we can cope with this work.
  • Only those who can see and appreciate the opportunity and are willing to risk "grabbing" for it will be able to take advantage of being in the right place at the right time. It was at that moment - not earlier and not later.

If we haven't seized the moment, perhaps such ideal circumstances will no longer arise.

What is about to happen will happen - if we make an effort

Opportunities don't usually "knock at our door." Immobility does not attract opportunity, nor does simple desire.

  • “What has to happen” requires an effort on our part. We can - and should - be active and, change the reality around us and contribute to the emergence of favorable (for us and our plans) opportunities.
  • Yes, there are things that are happening because the time has come. But if we ourselves do not apply efforts, will, it is unlikely that what we desire will suddenly appear in front of us.

It takes an open mind

An open mind is not a mind dreaming under the stars and inflating its desires to infinity. An open mind has very specific characteristics:

  • He is aware of his needs.
  • He has a good connection with himself, a good idea of ​​himself, adequate self-esteem. He is able to separate the necessary from the unnecessary.
  • He is a good observer, hears and sees everything around him and chooses what will allow him to grow and achieve his goals.
  • An open and receptive mind is able to seize the moment and to direct and knowledge to realize the opportunity when it arises.

Need to be patient

Those who are in too much of a hurry, who take risks without properly assessing the danger, who do not have enough patience, are often disappointed with the results of their activities.

  • We often hear recommendations: “you need to be able to take risks, do not be afraid to leave your comfort zone ...” But to take risks, you need to be prepared for it.
  • Without a good and adequate one, we cannot, for example, find ourselves a couple with whom we will be happy. We will always depend on what the other partner does or allows us to do.
  • We also cannot qualify for a specific job if we do not have the required qualifications. If we are rejected, it will be fair. Therefore, you need to be patient and first of all "invest" in yourself, in your personal maturity, in practical skills and knowledge.

Sometimes we get tired of waiting for the moment when the good that we think we deserve will finally happen to us. In order for this to happen, you need not to give up, continue to believe in yourself, fight, be receptive and open.

And then what should happen will definitely happen!